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  1. Cannanonymous

    New person growing..and need some advice

    If you have some patience I promise I can do some research for some strains that may be useful for what you have. I suggest you to check as it will show you what are the pros and the cons of each strain. I also suggest you to take at the medical cannabis section of this forum as it...
  2. Cannanonymous

    RARE STRAIN- New Guinean Tribesmen

    Well, you have definitely caught my attention. And good luck with those. Also, quick newbie deduction in which I might be wrong. "Many say that we have made our weed so sophisticated that they cannot live without our help. If this is true then a wild seed should be able to grow very easily as...
  3. Cannanonymous

    New person growing..and need some advice

    Beautiful, now if you want you could do some more research and use them for different occasions, remember that if used well, cannabis can relieve you from pain, anxiety, stress. So you could even play with your cannabis and use it at different times of the day. Feel free to send me a message if...
  4. Cannanonymous

    First time grower with CFLS

    Ps. Fuck my auto corrector its SATIVA not SALIVA hahahahaha hope you didn't write that down. Cheers!
  5. Cannanonymous

    New person growing..and need some advice

    Also, even if you have no clue about the strain, you can always see if its a Cannabis Indica (Shorter, Bushier plants with fatter leaves, usually related to indoor and stoned effect or body high) or a Cannabis Sativa (Longer, with thin leaves, usually related to outdoor grows and a mental high)...
  6. Cannanonymous

    Sexing male or female?

    Damn, I thought I was just too noob to tell the sex. Good to know I was right and they are still early. Reading does freaking work. Looking nice so far keep it up!
  7. Cannanonymous

    NPK Ratios

    I understand that you want to give nutrients to your seedlings? My advice is don't, the seedlings will take nutrients that are available in the soil. After they mature a little (some people use a predetermined number of weeks to know when, some others number of nods) the soil should be almost...
  8. Cannanonymous

    Nute selection for this specific case.

    Beautiful, I will keep your advice in mind for my feeding schedule. And I will be replacing my soil after this grow, I had this potting soil sitting around and I thought id be good for my first grow. Things will get fancier as I develop skills. Thanks for the advice!!! PS: Wishing I was...
  9. Cannanonymous

    First time grower with CFLS

    Also, do you really want a good advice? post pictures, the people in this forum will give advice about almost whatever you need by just looking at your set up and plant. Sorry for the many posts but I am writing as it comes to my mind. Hope it helps! :weed: Cheers
  10. Cannanonymous

    First time grower with CFLS

    A higher yield will depend on many things, so its hard to just write tips about that. People that get high yields usually has a lot of experience and/or have read a lot. Have you thought about nutrients at all?
  11. Cannanonymous

    First time grower with CFLS

    You should have no problems by flowering an indica outside, remember that we are the ones that are making weird shit by creating an environment out of nowhere, plants belong to the outside so indica, saliva or ruderdalis has to be fine outside. HOWEVER, when you consider going outside you need...
  12. Cannanonymous

    Fan blowing above or on seedlings?

    I agree, less than more is usually the best with seedlings. I saw a case or two were the fan was too strong for the seedlings and they just couldn't handle it and bent over and died.
  13. Cannanonymous

    Nute selection for this specific case.

    Thanks for the advice! I will probably wait 2 more weeks before I start muting because these girls are still small. I rather add less than more. I will follow your advice and see how it goes, I will be posting pics periodically.
  14. Cannanonymous

    Nute selection for this specific case.

    Nice, I will try that. Thanks for the advice!
  15. Cannanonymous

    Leaf Deficiencies!

    I appreciate the post, it will be very helpful! I was just trying to go picture by picture trying to learn all of them…..
  16. Cannanonymous

    Nute selection for this specific case.

    Hey people! As a couple of you already knew, I have a White Widow 1 week and a half from germination that lost one Cotyledon when sprouting, her growth got slower but constant. I also have a Cheese she is starting to develop her 3rd set of leaves. I have a bit of a time issue so I will start...
  17. Cannanonymous

    Newbie Needing Advice

    How much energy does your LED need? I have a micro in a condo so I don't know with how much light I can play.
  18. Cannanonymous

    Fan blowing above or on seedlings?

    As sprout doesn't need too much wind as their stem is very weak, if it were me I would not worry about the fan unless its usually too hot in your grow without the fan. Also, even if you need the fan, blowing air right on top of the sprouts will just make the hot air to go down again in my...
  19. Cannanonymous

    What do you guys think of this as reflective material for the walls of my micro?

    Unfortunately I cut it to pisces already to make it feet the grow. I would have to take all the fakin pieces and cover myself with that haha! Shit… This Sour Diesel is getting me now bongsmilie
  20. Cannanonymous

    What do you guys think of this as reflective material for the walls of my micro?

    I will keep this in mind, I will try to give at least 3 inches of space between the plant and the wall. I will try to come up with a ventilation system. Thanks for the advice!