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  1. Y

    I germinated some seeds and I still didnt receive the rockwool. What should I do?HELP

    I germinated some Barney's LSD seeds with roots that are like 1 to 4 cm big, and I was supposed to receive my shipment of small rockwools today which I didnt receive. I have some jiffy pallets but they dont really work that well! I might not receive the stuff before monday and this is my first...
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    how to transfer the plant from small rockwool to large one ?

    When and how to tranfer the plant from a rockwool to a larger one. I am also using Jiffy pallets, so how can i transfer that into a large rockwool? and should I peal off the tissue around the jiffy pallets? cheers:leaf:
  3. Y

    I am not being able to germinate seeds! HELP PLZ!

    lets say I use the towel method, what should I do when they germinated, should I put it in a jiffy pallet or directly in the rockwool? coz the rockwool's hole is big. Can I use the 250 watt light to germinate, coz the light creates heat... Anyway I just ordered some new seeds, the Barney's LSD...
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    I am not being able to germinate seeds! HELP PLZ!

    do u think its a good idea to put the bowl with the jeffy pallets on a heater? coz maybe that's what's killed it? i kept it for a long time on the heater...
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    I am not being able to germinate seeds! HELP PLZ!

    Its my first time that im groing. I am using an NFT system. I bought some easyrider (AK47 * Lowrider 2) which I put in jiffy pallets. I kept them in a bowl with a plastic dome on it. After 5 days, the seeds still didnt germinate. I used the home water which has a ph of 7.2. I sometimes put the...
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    I am not being able to germinate seeds! HELP PLZ!

    Its my first time that im groing. I am using an NFT system. I bought some easyrider (AK47 * Lowrider 2) which I put in jiffy pallets. I kept them in a bowl with a plastic dome on it. After 5 days, the seeds still didnt germinate. I used the home water which has a ph of 7.2. I sometimes put the...
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    Can I take LSD if I'm feeling sick?

    ^Im sorry ur too late for that ;)
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    Can I take LSD if I'm feeling sick?

    I have the flu and I'm about to take lsd in 5 hours so i wanna see if im gonna be tiered during the trip.. :peace:
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    Can I grow in an NFT system with a water of Ph 7.2 ?

    The Ph of my water at home is 7.2. I'm currently germinating some easyrider seeds but I still dont see it working. U think that's because of the ph of the water? and can I fill my tank with that water? Cheers
  10. Y

    Can I grow in an NFT system with a water of Ph 7.2 ?

    The Ph of my water at home is 7.2. I'm currently germinating some easyrider seeds but I still dont see it working. U think that's because of the ph of the water? and can I fill my tank with that water? Cheers:joint:
  11. Y

    Should I add nutrients in my tank everyday ?

    sorry mate ii still didnt set the kit up, i put the seeds in the pallets yesterday they are femenized... they still didnt pop from the pallet...
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    Should I add nutrients in my tank everyday ?

    ^thx mate. One last thing, should i put the rockwool under light after adding the pallet in it? otherwise the plant wont grow...
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    Should I add nutrients in my tank everyday ?

    thx for the help man. can u help me with this too : The instructions in the kit are that I need to put the rockwool in the NFT system when roots appear from the rockwool. When I put the jeffy pallets with the small plant in the rockwool what should I do next in order to grow til roots start to...
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    Should I add nutrients in my tank everyday ?

    this is the kit i bought im growing the easyriders : AK47 * Lowryder 2 peace:peace:
  15. Y

    Should I add nutrients in my tank everyday ?

    its states on the box i should put 20mg per 20 l of water but they didnt say if its everyday... what is it? :leaf:
  16. Y

    When should I put the rockwool in the NFT system? HELP

    I am currently germinating seeds in Jeffy pallets. I'm using this kit: The instructions in the kit are that I need to put the rockwool in the NFT system when roots appear from the rockwool. When I put the jeffy pallets...
  17. Y

    If I'm using an NFT system, should I turn off the pump when I turn the light off?

    I'm using this system: Should I attach the pump with the timer of the lights or should the pump should work all the time? I'm a beginner obviously so I need ur help.
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    Should I use Son T Plus buld or Metal Halide bulb in this case?

    man im soo sorry lol its not aqua this is the kit i bought
  19. Y

    Should I use Son T Plus buld or Metal Halide bulb in this case?

    ^hhahahahahaha sorryy i totally missed that :P I got the aqua brand of "nuts". thx for all the help :D