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  1. G

    Will my buds swell up some more?

    Lol ok buddy u do wat u do and ill keep doing wat people have been doin for years. Its been working great for me :) plus molasses helps the plant get rid of salts and other built up stuff around the roots do some research my friend
  2. G

    Will my buds swell up some more?

    Molasses will replace any sweet synthetic product. Molasses has microbs sugars and nutes like phosphorus and others that brnefit the plants growth and final product dont let the name brand companies fool u theres great home remedies to make ur plants better
  3. G

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    They need about 3 to 4 more weeks to go
  4. G

    Will my buds swell up some more?

    P as potassium? Will molasses and hydroplex do it?
  5. G

    Will my buds swell up some more?

    Yea the light was a bit too close i put it up twice as much like 5 days ago
  6. G

    R my babys done?

    U know alot of wat is said in that article has been floating in my head like some of the quality of ur final product being affect by flushing a plant. I believe and seeing to believing so im goin to flush one plant and harvest another one without flushing to see the results and if there is any...
  7. G

    R my babys done?

    U know alot of wat is said in that article has been floating in my head like some of the quality of ur final product being affect by flushing a plant. I believe and seeing to believing so im goin to flush one plant and harvest another one without flushing to see the results and if there is any...
  8. G

    R my babys done?

    Sounds good man this is my first grow im doing medium so i might flush one plant and harvest one with out a flush see which one for me is more tastefull more potent and smooth
  9. G

    R my babys done?

    Yea all u guys are helpfull thanks man. Yea i smoked some dryed up sucker nugs and they had me on one i really tried for my first time bro
  10. G

    R my babys done?

    ? Yea ill give it about 4 more weeks
  11. G

    R my babys done?

  12. G

    Will my buds swell up some more?

    Koo man thanks for the info
  13. G

    R my babys done?

    Nice im thinking of starting the 2 week flush cycle in a week and theyre on week 7. Do u think thatll turn out good?
  14. G

    Will my buds swell up some more?

    As watts 400 on a 12/12 cycle on a 3' by 3' by 63" tall tent
  15. G

    R my babys done?

    Thanks for the eye opener as for the heat stress, i did have the light a bit close like a foot away from the tops i lifted the light up 5 days ago do u think they should be getting better or should give the plant extra hours of darkness?
  16. G

    R my babys done?

    Great thanks man. is there any such thing as plants getting into shock at that age of growth?
  17. G

    Will my buds swell up some more?

    Ok thanks man
  18. G

    Will my buds swell up some more?

    Week 7 of flowering and my babies look king of airy ive been feeding them nutes and sweetners and then bud booster and more sweetners every 3 to four days for the last 3 feeds.
  19. G

    R my babys done?

    Hey guys have three different strains can u guys tell me how much longer should flower for or if theyre ready for harvest? The first im not sure wat it is the second pic is og kush the third is blue dream