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  1. V

    Piramid Seeds-TutanKhamon(feminised)

    i have 1 tutankhamon in flowering and clones from her.. and boy does this thing produce .. some nice size nugs.. and quickly.. im 4 weeks into flower and its got buds the size of my plant thats been flowering for 8.5 weeks.. im going to think about an entire crop of this
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    first grow need some input

    iid say. either leave them outside or inside.. and if inside .. go out and buy some cfls.. my first grow i had 10 outlets.. with 2 cfls in each .. so 20 bulbs at 1900 lumens each. so around 40000.. almost equal to a 400wat mh.
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    Trying to decide on grow tents!

    build own out of pvc piping and pandafilm for a quater of the price...
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    Want to add clones to flower room butttt other plants to big.. any ideas

    the light is 6 feet in the air.. if i use dvd cases or books the stack would fall before the plant got close enough..
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    Want to add clones to flower room butttt other plants to big.. any ideas

    built out of 2x3x8 s and plywood and the drain is an actual sink drain
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    Want to add clones to flower room butttt other plants to big.. any ideas

    its not about how many.. its about not wasting any room in the room ,. i have half the room open.. and cant lower the light .. so i build the tables to put the smaller plants that are going into flowering closer to the light.. plus i was going to build one anyways to make it easier to flush the...
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    Want to add clones to flower room butttt other plants to big.. any ideas

    i have 4.. they are all 2 feet by 4 feet.. with pandafilm in the inside.. should work great.
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    Want to add clones to flower room butttt other plants to big.. any ideas

    sooo here is the tables i made heres. 1 this is the one ill use to flush the plants from now on instead of bringing them to the sink upstairs.. it has a drain the others are the same without the drain.. all i need to do is put 4 legs on it.. and it will be ready to use.. so any ideas how i can...
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    Need a Lock For Growbox

    just get the kind for sheds..y would u need to lock it .. do u live with sketchy people?
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    I Found a Secret Room In My House!

    i hope its not to humid
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    Want to add clones to flower room butttt other plants to big.. any ideas

    ok so i have a couple plants left that have 2 weeks left of flowering that are 5 feet tall.. and i have20 more plants that are 4 feet tall flowering that have 4-6 weeks left.. i have space for more plants.. but there only a foot tall. how can i get them closer to the light without spending to...
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    whats the limit of plants a 600hps can handle

    a friend of mine runs 30 plants with 3 days veg .. clones.. under a 600.. and roughly harvests about 12ozs
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    problems when i started to use a grow tent

    there ya go answered ur own question.. PH problem bro.. had that happen to me ..
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    Bc bud depot--bc mango

    ya just had gotten 10 of 10 to pop the first 9 in 24 hours.. the last 1 72 hours and i got 2 other 10 packs of kcs.. and they all popped so far besides 1.. so .. 29-30 from KCbrains
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    PEEP this MANGO!! week5 flowering Spots HELP!

    maybe try some Calmag
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    Anyone Grown KC Brains Mango???

    yup.. caust the good mango pheno is amazing and would be up there with skunk so .. maybe the grower dont know what hes doing.. or u got scammed and sold under a fake name lol
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    KC Brains Mango Report

    same . just sprouted 28 of 30.. 10 mango 10 mindbender 10 kcxbrasil.. all within first 48 hours .. crazy .. eh
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    3 Weeks into Flowering and Just Found Seeds on a Plant. How Do I Locate the Father

    it was a female that self polinated actually.. still got rid of it.. and the seeds on that plant.. but im going to keep any seeds that i find in the rest of the grow and just use them for an outdoor grow one year
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    Magic Bud Male/ lots of females which one to choose?

    i have a magic bud male .. that i picked out of 3 diff magic bud males.. and im wondering if i should just breed with another magic bud to get mad seeds of magic bud. or should i cross it with another strain i have going.. to choose from i have Special k. (Kush x Northern Lights) Sour Cream (...