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  1. Mr.J420

    "First Grow" issues

    I had the same setup as you and clowdys, mg soil, light far away, small fan blowing on them. Rookie mishaps. I streched the plant and the fan was just lightly shaking the plant & growth almost stopped. (I think the babies were not growing because they were holding on for dear life in what seemed...
  2. Mr.J420

    Serious Seeds AK47

    Nice nugs! I've got AK-47 x C99 growing and i cant wait! Are you gonna be harvesting with most clear/cloudy or more amber trichs? Post up how it smokes when you get there!
  3. Mr.J420

    attic grow op.

    You can do it but I wouldn't recommend growing in an attic unless you are in a climate where the outside air never goes more than a couple degrees below the temperature of the grow space for two reasons. #1- If it is near 32 overnight where you are and 70-75 degrees inside you will get...
  4. Mr.J420

    Pasta Express Cool tube?

    Thanks for the replies guys, I'm thinking like Motto racer, I like the concept but it seems a little risky. "As long as the fans keep working you should be fine" I agree built properly with the fan running it should be fine but I like covering all the 'what if' scenarios and a fan quitting isnt...
  5. Mr.J420

    Pasta Express Cool tube?

    Hi all, 1st time grower here, so I think its some sort of rule that my 1st post is a question. Albeit this one may be a little out of the ordinary for a noob. So I have bought a used 430w hps ‘son agro’ light & ballast setup for flowering, I only have 4 sq’ so it is definitely overkill...