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  1. wheezgethigh

    best kush

    ok cool that shit looks freakin awsome i need to gets me some of that, peacebongsmilie
  2. wheezgethigh

    best kush

    i wanna try that bubba kush i heard its great
  3. wheezgethigh

    flushing time

    good theory snutter, i will also add some molasse now to thw ph water also, wanna taste tha sweetness of my girls lol, peace
  4. wheezgethigh

    best kush

    the only kush i smoke so far is so called og kush it was cool but im not sure if it was what it was feel me, but im growin kings kush and master kush, kings kush is fairly new i believe and master is some good shit i hope, what do u ppl think?, peace:weed:
  5. wheezgethigh

    Kush Growers Unite!

    freakin cool dude i kno it will smoke real good too bro
  6. wheezgethigh

    flushing time

    ok i thought so, thanks for tha assurance, peace
  7. wheezgethigh

    First AG Grow Week 3 VEG Status

    ur plants look good, bout 4-5 wks veg. it looks to b indica strain so bout 8 maybe 9 wks to flower, it will grow alot also, peace
  8. wheezgethigh

    flushing time

    quick quest. should i ph the water in order to flush ?:weed:
  9. wheezgethigh

    Day 68 Flowering... Question!

    its done dude chope her and smoke good homey,peace
  10. wheezgethigh

    hows tha mk commin along dude

    hows tha mk commin along dude
  11. wheezgethigh

    Kush Growers Unite!

    love tha pics dude my mk fem is on tha way from nirvana also
  12. wheezgethigh

    Kush Growers Unite!

    wow im with tha kush krew, i have king kush growing, master kush on tha way, bout to order some blueberry kush, and og kush, lets start a group so keep me informed
  13. wheezgethigh

    Is this a male or female please help

    i agree with rreign looks to b male, or it might b hemie waith a few days to c if hairs grow also, no hairs after 4 days trash tha fella, peace
  14. wheezgethigh

    yelp cleveland here !

    yelp cleveland here !
  15. wheezgethigh

    yo hows it goin dude

    yo hows it goin dude
  16. wheezgethigh

    1st haverst yes

    thanks guys, no pic yet soon to come getting camera tomorrow, im so high it is really fun to grow, im moving my clones n 2 12/12 later today and i have some k.k and w.w veg now, peace
  17. wheezgethigh

    1st haverst yes

    i did it my 1st havest was good out of 3 plants i got 4oz n buds yes 1 plant hermeid on me i kept it and it smokes good, i seen only 1 seed so far and it was not develop at all, i love this shit lol, thanks to all that help me threw this 1st stage, bubbleheads LETS GET IT !!!!, next mission...
  18. wheezgethigh

    o.k my first havest was a good 1 from 3 3 foot tall plants i got 4oz of good bud it is a...

    o.k my first havest was a good 1 from 3 3 foot tall plants i got 4oz of good bud it is a beautifull thing my next plants r goinin n to flower this weekend yes now lets c if i can get a bigger yeild, i love this shit lol
  19. wheezgethigh

    fan leaves

    lol thanks for tha info but tha bubble hash sounds good some rescerch is needed, peace:bigjoint:
  20. wheezgethigh

    fan leaves

    what is there to do with tha fan leaves, or do i jus throw them away can some1 point me n tha right area, peace:dunce: