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    After topping

    i dunno man but they are looking really good

    Got my 8 pack WaterFarm up and going (Pics)

    lookin really really good

    Stoner movie list

    we cant stop here.... this is bat country. wheres the fuckin golf shoes lol i love that movie

    Stoner movie list

    you guyz are forgeting the best documentry on weed there is SUPER HIGH ME!!!

    Blue powder miracle grow plant food . . ? Suggestions

    has any one tried the mg for cloning i have 3 clones that i just cut like 2 days ago i am not using any thing but water right now i was just wondering if i where to use the mg that i am using on my plants once a week or so at 1/4 strength for the clones if i would get better results

    Got my 8 pack WaterFarm up and going (Pics)

    Dont weigh your bud before its harvested. its bad luck

    Got my 8 pack WaterFarm up and going (Pics)

    shit man that is beautifull it must have cost u a small fortune.

    $45-$60 a gram?

    ya i know what u meen man its fuckin craziness 40 a g

    Got my 8 pack WaterFarm up and going (Pics)

    Hey man nice set up let me know how it turns out!! :)
  10. .:SEXISTONER:.

    $45-$60 a gram?

    you guyz barely have any snow we already have like 6 inches lol the lake is probably going to freeze tonight
  11. .:SEXISTONER:.


    sweet my buddy topped a couple of his a while ago and now they are growing 2 tops i didnt think that would acctually happen
  12. .:SEXISTONER:.


    just wondering what every body thinks about it.
  13. .:SEXISTONER:.


    lol that doesnt explain any thing
  14. .:SEXISTONER:.


    nice good job man i havnt cut my clones yet i am gunna wait a few days cause they are only about 4in long but my buddy cut a few the other day that where only about 3 inch and they are already starting to look really good! the plant i am taking off is startin to look like she is gunna be crazy...
  15. .:SEXISTONER:.

    $45-$60 a gram?

    the bud we get here for 10 is great shit we dont have to pay big bucks for good bud
  16. .:SEXISTONER:.

    $45-$60 a gram?

    u guys are al over payin except for $60 an once thats deadly but here i dont pay more then $10 a g
  17. .:SEXISTONER:.

    $45-$60 a gram?

    ya if any one ever told me they wanted $45 a g i would laugh in there faces and go get a quarter Of shit thats probably better then what there selling any way!
  18. .:SEXISTONER:.

    $how ur smoking Utensil

    nice bongs man! i ussually just use my little glass bong or my lung. i had a really nice hooka but i left the stupid thing in the car and it froze and cracked the glass:(
  19. .:SEXISTONER:.


    will that work?
  20. .:SEXISTONER:.


    ya i can probably get a pic no i dont have any of that stuff i was thinking of just doing it kinda like a spider plant in a glass or water in a bright window will this work