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  1. samson3

    What is the best soil to use!

    Its hard to go wrong with a good organic soil, but fox farm is the best
  2. samson3

    Pros and Cons of Soil

    Its like anything else, if done properly either will do good. I think you can manipulate hydro a lot more, but really soil is the most forgiving method and will produce great stuff if done right. The man thing with soil is drainage in the bottom of the container so you don't get root rot, and I...
  3. samson3

    Feeding / Watering advice appreciated

    Yeah, I realize that I can get much better stuff than what I got, but really when it comes down to it, the basics are the same. I just posted some new pics and as you can see they seem to like something I'm doing. I'm more concerned about the flowering stage at this point
  4. samson3

    Feeding / Watering advice appreciated

    This is my second grow. I have everything in soil and my routine has been misting the leaves 3 times daily with a 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salt and water mix. Every 3-4 days I give them about a cup of miracle grow plant food directly on the roots. They have really taken off in the past couple of...
  5. samson3

    My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

    maybe invest in some decent growing supplies i.e. pots, soil, can buy a ballast with a plug already on it at hardware stores for under twenty....the main problem is the lighting situation in my opinion
  6. samson3

    Whats the name of this weed?

    Yeah man, if thats what you guys call mids I'm in the wrong place. Shit would go for 60 an eighth here