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  1. JeffersonBud

    3k liquid cooled vertical grow.

    I am not sure a deep freezer would keep enough h20 for three 1k's plus it might cool it down too much. If the water temp for the light reservoir is under 50 degrees then it could cause thermal crack on the frescas when the bulbs turn on. I will ditch the 1/4 hp chiller and replace it with a...
  2. JeffersonBud

    3k liquid cooled vertical grow.

    I was really turned on to vertical grows seeing the one thread (not sure if its on rollitup or some other forum) about the 20 gallon recirculating dwc sealed room grows and thought it was very efficient. I also have the ducts for my central air taking up headroom so I though vertical would be...
  3. JeffersonBud

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    I takes a few over 4 minutes until the float turns off the pump although it cycles on and off for a minute or two after that to keep the desired height. It then takes about 7 minutes to drain completely so they are totally submerged for a little over 10 minutes before it starts to drain. What...
  4. JeffersonBud

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Thanks for the fast reply billy. I soak about an inch away from the top of the hydroton but I am in the regular buckets. I think I was letting the hydroton dry out too much between waterings. I was only giving them 2 soaks a day... I watched their day cycle yesterday and waited until the...
  5. JeffersonBud

    My new Set up room ...

    Thats sweet dude! Way to go! As far as your nutrient choice, I would go the simple route. A lot of people swear by advanced, but a lot of people get the same results with just a 2 or 3 part schedule. I ran Botanicares full line with plantacillin as my beneficial bacteria and loved it! I...
  6. JeffersonBud

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Kitty and Billybob, Like yourselves I am running an ebb and gro with 100% hydroton. I am having trouble getting the feeding times down and have read a lot of conflicting times and can't seem to get a straight answer. I have three 1k's, a few wall fans and my room stays at 82 during the...
  7. JeffersonBud

    3k liquid cooled vertical grow.

    Knocked over my bottle of bloom and the store didn't have any boost so I have switched to the GH Flora line. I gave the system a flush to get the old stuff out and the plants are looking okay. I am having a hard time getting the watering cycle down. I am not sure how dry the hydroton needs to...
  8. JeffersonBud

    Produce weed in 43 days

    Exactly. People often take things at face value and never seek to ask questions. This thread is a joke.
  9. JeffersonBud

    Anyone using 2 or more Ice Boxes?

    Think about it though, I am using 3 1000k's a 1/4hp aquarium chiller and have no central air around my grow. I only use the ac because my chiller is only 1/4 hp. 1/2 hp would solve the ac problem for 3,000w. For the cost of 2 frescas, pump, res and a 1/2 hp chiller, the cost would be under...
  10. JeffersonBud

    Anyone using 2 or more Ice Boxes?

    I also have a sealed room in which I use co2 so I don't vent my air. In regards to the dripping of the lines, the heat from the water change over time will cause them to expand. I used teflon tape where the lines meet the nipple for the jackets and hose clamps. After the first day of running...
  11. JeffersonBud

    Anyone using 2 or more Ice Boxes?

    Hello, I am using 3 1000w bulbs running through Fresca Sol Platinums. I like the Fresca Sols over the ice boxes because you don't need a fan at all. The platinums are milled aluminum and are way more industrial then the regular ones and have more light spread. I cool them with a 100gallon...
  12. JeffersonBud

    Help me!!! Electric" problem"

    Dont worry about the electrical company. They are in the business of making money and want you to consume power. A couple thousands watts is no different then running a hot tub. Eagleeye is right, you will need to charge the batteries when they are depleted and this would require solar power...
  13. JeffersonBud

    3k liquid cooled vertical grow.

    Thanks fellas, mighty kind of you guys! This setup is light years different then my old one and takes time to get used to. The whole place will be covered in mylar at one point and the back part of the room, the part that is higher, will be my veg room. I will most likely switch strains on...
  14. JeffersonBud

    Is it OK to finish Veging, under my 600w HPS....

    I would put them in there to finish. Not only are they going to receive a kick start with more light at the end of veg but they will transition nicely into flower and will be already used to the light intensity. Just set your 600w up a few feet and lower it slowly over the next few days. If...
  15. JeffersonBud

    ebb&flow to much water/help

    Could have very well been. I am not sure about the cubes, but I have the same problem with my res smelling like pond water. I have tried everything under the sun to help. Physan20 flush, h2o2, DM Zone, all helped but the res would start to smell again after 3 or 4 days. I was turned on to...
  16. JeffersonBud

    ebb&flow to much water/help

    You have a bacteria problem.
  17. JeffersonBud

    My new Set up room ...

    Sweet! Can't wait to see it!
  18. JeffersonBud

    3k liquid cooled vertical grow.

    Bud sites are starting to appear all over the plant...
  19. JeffersonBud

    Usa! Usa! Usa!

    sigh... damn.