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  1. R

    starting the germination?

    ITS not nessery to put light on them.Keep in dark intill they come up .keep temp at 80 ann mist them to keep the top one inch of soil moist not drench.when they come up put a light on them.
  2. R

    What the SHIT is this??!!!! PLEASSSSE

    try peroxide 1 to 3 3 being water.Spray on medium only. use neems oil on leafs.Get some yellow stickey traps to kill the ones that are flying around. The peroxide will kill the larvai. and when useing ro water you should add some cal mag.
  3. R

    Why is everyone buying into this Auto-Flower and Female seed crap?

    you dont know what the fuck your talking about
  4. R

    Brown spotting on leaves

    what kind of water.If your useing ro water you might want to use a little cal mag
  5. R

    Humidity stays at 60%

    growing with soil?
  6. R

    Organic and Florescent Only (3 weeks into flowering pics)

    during flowering I dont think misting is a good idea. I seen water on your leafs. it promotes bud rot.
  7. R


    I ment to say one part peroxide and three parts water.That what I just did I had fungus fleas. you dont have fleas flying around do you.thoses worms might be larva. that turn in to fleas.If you have organic you will kill your micro organism .I dont know if I spell that right. I had to get rid of...
  8. R


    one to four. four being water
  9. R

    Please help REALLY NEED!!!

    may be a little cal mag would help
  10. R

    Root problems

    next time you should try uncle bens germination.make a hole half inch used a pencil put one seed in light fine soil on top water lightley temp 83 you could keep lights off if you wanted to about 3 daythey should come up then turn lights on
  11. R

    balester making noise ,will it last for a while?

    balester making noise ,will it last for a while?
  12. R

    bump if can see this :leaf:

    bump if can see this :leaf:
  13. R

    bump if your high

    bump if your high
  14. R

    hi first post just trying to figure it out. growing white widow.this is my 5th grow.posting...

    hi first post just trying to figure it out. growing white widow.this is my 5th grow.posting pitchures later