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  1. ebenezerfagglegold

    flushing my coco/perlite mix - do I need to add calmag to flush??

    cool thx man. I guess I'll throw in the calmag with some micronutes just to keep it feeding on something until the next watering. I figured flushing with water would be a disaster.
  2. ebenezerfagglegold

    flushing my coco/perlite mix - do I need to add calmag to flush??

    I've been using cal mag the whole time. never watered without it. fully amended the coco with it before planting, etc. What I'm wondering about is flushing. Do I still need to use cal mag when I flush? That's what I'm asking.
  3. ebenezerfagglegold

    flushing my coco/perlite mix - do I need to add calmag to flush??

    hey guys, I've got a lady that's been flowering for about 45 days. Shes sitting in a 3 gal pot with a 75%coco coir 25% perlite soilless mix. I also added some dolomite lime to the mixture for ph control, but I've got what seems to be a ph problem (brown spots, every pic that looks similar...
  4. ebenezerfagglegold

    rootbound issues during veg

    how do you figure? seriously im not trying to be a smartass. I topped them all at the 6th or 7th node, and defoliated the 4 big fan leaves off of all of them. The idea was to mainline the plant into 4 tops (topping one more time after 6 or so more nodes.) Since the flower cycle isn't the time...
  5. ebenezerfagglegold

    rootbound issues during veg

    hey everyone, I have 3 plants that until the other day had been in 1 gallon pots since around August 30thl. after doing some topping and some defol to slow them down a little I began noticing a rapid decrease in their growth rate. When I pulled one out to investigate I could see that the roots...
  6. ebenezerfagglegold

    i cannot even imagine what a 24/0 light schedule would do to my plants

    just some month old babys on their 7th node in 1 gallons. im trying to let them get really bound up to slow them down a bit because my flower box is full, but I transplanted them out of their solo cups pretty recently and was surprised how small the rootball was. Im using Foxfarm Ocean forest...
  7. ebenezerfagglegold

    i cannot even imagine what a 24/0 light schedule would do to my plants

    no not Chinese, you're just speaking like a dick that's all
  8. ebenezerfagglegold

    i cannot even imagine what a 24/0 light schedule would do to my plants

    that really does make sense. Too loud would be more like it, as I have my plants in a closet in the room where I keep all of my guitars and my computer. I don't know if cannabis plants like the black flag either.
  9. ebenezerfagglegold

    i cannot even imagine what a 24/0 light schedule would do to my plants

    oh that's the post before I edited it and put that in there. its right before the last sentence you copypaste'd
  10. ebenezerfagglegold

    i cannot even imagine what a 24/0 light schedule would do to my plants

    thanks man, I watered today but im not overwatering. I wait until it needs water. this is just something ive noticed with my last grow as well. but that made sense as the temps were in the 80s on that one. The only real difference I notice with the cooler temps is I don't have any purple...
  11. ebenezerfagglegold

    i cannot even imagine what a 24/0 light schedule would do to my plants

    all of that is in the OP dude. right under the lights. I've measured temps all around in there but always right under the lights. I have fans blowing right on the lights as well as an ac unit blowing cold air from the bottom. temps are fine.
  12. ebenezerfagglegold

    i cannot even imagine what a 24/0 light schedule would do to my plants

    low 70 high 73. maybe 75 on a bad day. heres a snapshot of two young vegging plants an hour and a half before lights out.
  13. ebenezerfagglegold

    i cannot even imagine what a 24/0 light schedule would do to my plants

    this is just a simple curiosity. I'm on my second grow, everything's going well enough. I learned a lot on the first go-round, particularly about growing conditions like temperature, humidity, and ph. One oddity has carried over from my last grow into this one though, and that is that at the...
  14. ebenezerfagglegold

    about 10 days into flower(sexing really) female showing stress

    ive never used a 5 gallon before, but I could really tell I could've used more space on my last grow even though my plant was only 2.5 ft tall. Ive been really limited on space. I can fit 4 3 gallon smarties in there. fortunately thatll change soon ill have enough for a much larger tent in...
  15. ebenezerfagglegold

    about 10 days into flower(sexing really) female showing stress

    yep I transplanted into a 3 gal smart pot just now. My lord how rootbound that lady was. I didn't use mycrorhizae or anything and that rootball was a brick! problem hopefully solved. we'll update in 3 days. Definitely female btw, and its funny I've lucked out with 1 female on my last two...
  16. ebenezerfagglegold

    about 10 days into flower(sexing really) female showing stress

    yep I transplanted into a 3 gal smart pot just now. My lord how rootbound that lady was. I didn't use mycrorhizae or anything and that rootball was a brick! problem hopefully solved. we'll update in 3 days. Definitely female btw, and its funny I've lucked out with 1 female on my last two...
  17. ebenezerfagglegold

    about 10 days into flower(sexing really) female showing stress

    hey everybody so I'm sexing three of my plants. Started as four but I had to remove 1 male so far. Now I have this stretched out plant that's shooting pistils as of today. This plant had been very robust until late yesterday evening when I noticed this droopy, unhappy look. I think she's...
  18. ebenezerfagglegold

    starting seeds in coco nightmare(part 2:the nightmare continues)

    i think I got the coco problem figured out, though I cheated a little bit. I've gotten myself to 100% success when I start them in rockwool or a peat pellet and wash the coco in the bathtub with like 5 gallons on hot water. here's where we're at now in the pics. Ive started 4 more in a...
  19. ebenezerfagglegold

    why aren't my seeds germinating?

    that sounds about right. im about o start some of those instead.
  20. ebenezerfagglegold

    why aren't my seeds germinating?

    its more like a question of 'could weed be compacted into a brick so hard that it damages the seeds?' that's what i'm wondering. also are the straight black seeds not the best, because there are seeds in all varieties of development here, I just ran the black ones first thinking they were the...