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    S.O.S. Plant Drooping Bad!

    I have a 6" king fan blowing on it. I will see what I can do to help support her for the time being. Thanks for the reply. :leaf:
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    S.O.S. Plant Drooping Bad!

    Yeah, when I changed the res water out last time I over filled it. All the way up to the net pot... After it drooped, I took out about half the water. I am not sure what my res temp is, I need to get a thermometer for that I guess. I added 4 13 w cfls to the 90w led to hopefully help things...
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    S.O.S. Plant Drooping Bad!

    Thanks, I will have to get some super thrive and will try that. :leaf:
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    S.O.S. Plant Drooping Bad!

    Ahhhh Damn... Looks like I have got root rot on the droopy plant. At least that is what I think it is... Some of the roots are brown and one spot even turned a red color and doesn't look good. What would happen if I was to cut out all the bad roots and just leave the white roots. The newest...
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    S.O.S. Plant Drooping Bad!

    Thanks BTW for replying so fast, I think you probably got it right. Much thanks bro.
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    S.O.S. Plant Drooping Bad!

    I just looked in my res and it was probably way too high. It was about up to the net pot so I just poured a lot of it out. Maybe that is what it was... Damn it, I hope she'll be ok..
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    S.O.S. Plant Drooping Bad!

    Hey all... One of my girls began leaning over to one side over the last couple of days as it grew up and bigger... Last night I changed the water and nutes in my 5 gallon res and added a coat hanger to stake up the plant to keep her from leaning over and to support her. I just got home and...
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    No Follow Sig Links??

    Why are the signature links "no follow"?
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    Have you considered doing DWC in 5 gallon buckets? This is how I'm doing my first grow and it seems to be working pretty well. :)
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    Nute Burned... Must I Flush?

    Thanks. The look like they got stunted or something. The new leafs look ok as far as I can tell... Just seems like growth slowed way down?
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    Nute Burned... Must I Flush?

    Hey all... I burned a couple of my plants by using too much nutes, and changed the reservoir water and added only half the strength... Do I have to flush with regular water first?
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    Problem with one of my babies

    Hey all, I have a problem with one of my plants. The plant is in a 5 gallon bucket DWC style, under a 90 watt 5 band ufo. The plant is maybe 3 weeks old if that and looked great up until yesterday. Now, the bottom leaves are curling up and look like they are drying out. They look crispy...
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    Plant Leaning...Can I Cut My Leaves In Half??

    Thanks for the replies. I put a fan on it and will see if I can somehow tie it / stake it.
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    Plant Leaning...Can I Cut My Leaves In Half??

    Hey all, I have a 3 week old plant that is really starting to take off and the leaves grew faster than the stem it seems. It is starting to lean over... Can I cut the leaves pulling it down in half? It only has about 3 nodes showing and the 4th is developing now...
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    Planning new dwc grow...

    Hey Illegal Smile, Thanks for the reply. So, you are saying that if you did 4 plants in an 18 gallon tote... You would expect to get 12-16 ounces off the 4 plants? You said you would do 4 lag plants? I'm not familiar with that term lag. And if I do only 4 plants in an 18-gallon tote, what size...
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    Planning new dwc grow...

    I'm planning on using my aero cloner to get em ready to put in the totes. So, with 6 per tote... What kind of range are we talking as far as yield per plant on a 6-plant tote setup. Would a 1/2 O per plant be reasonable as far as expectations? Is it possible to get an O per plant with this...
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    Planning new dwc grow...

    I have 2 18-gallon totes I am going to use for an upcoming grow. It will be DWC style of course, but I am not sure if I would rather grow 2 big plants(1 in each tote) or a lot of small ones in these totes. What would produce the biggest yield based on time, if all other things were equal. 1...
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    First Grow: DWC Method + LED with Jorges Diamonds #1, Lemon Skunk, & Hashplant Kush.

    Small update with crappy pics.(no cfl lighting makes led pics hard to see. Sorry!) I will have to get some cfl lighting back in there for pics next time, but you can see a little and I don't have time right now to redo them. Ok... Hashplant x Kush is the oldest and biggest so far. It's at...
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    First Grow: DWC Method + LED with Jorges Diamonds #1, Lemon Skunk, & Hashplant Kush.

    Hello, My appologies... I just realized you had posted in this thread when I came to update it. I ended up taking off the 4" inline fan that was connected to the 4" carbon can filter. I did this because that fan was actually very dissapointing to me as it wasn't hardly pulling any air. Also, I...
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    My Dilemma: 2 Boxes, 1 Veg + 1 Flower or ...

    Another option I hadn't considered. Thank you. As of this moment I am leaning toward doing a SoG DWC style(i think). :bigjoint: