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  1. Hong Chong

    Moving plants out after sprouting? help

    Yeah that's done so plants have time to heal from stress over night.
  2. Hong Chong

    Moving plants out after sprouting? help

    If i were to sprout a couple seeds under fluoros indoor on an 18 hour cycle for 2 weeks then move them outdoors to 13 hours of daylight, will they flower? or is this a safe move seeing as how the sun will be MUCH brighter than the 800 lumens used for seedlings anyway. I've got about 13 hours a...
  3. Hong Chong

    Early Wonder Skunk?

    Anyone grown this, got specific info not already given on the net? Pics? Yields? Anything?
  4. Hong Chong

    Early wonder skunk /Plant transferring Questions

    aight thanks, any info on how the early wonder skunk flowers? Does the strain have a specific time it triggers flowering no matter what condition or how does this work?
  5. Hong Chong

    Early wonder skunk /Plant transferring Questions

    I have got a couple grow questions it would be tight if I could get some help. If I have an 18 hour indoor light cycle on a couple young vegging plants that I want to move outdoors, will a 16 or even 15 hour day outdoors light cycle push them toward flowering? Would it be better to put them out...