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  1. H

    Shroom Tea?

    If you truly were having an intense experience, passing out would have been impossible. What you were experiencing may have been intense for you, but just know, there is much more to be explored. Every high dose that i have done above 5g has left me unable to sleep for hours. trying to force...
  2. H

    got possion for the purpose in canada,

    Have you ever seen a show called "Trailer Park Boys"? yeah thats what you remind me of
  3. H


    yeah they are more potent, 1g of aborts will fuck you up more than 1g mature shrooms for sure
  4. H

    Mushroom extraction, Alcoholic drink?

    There is no need to use alcohol or any other chemical for that matter. Psilocybin is water soluable, meaning that you can make mushroom tea with nothing but water. Personally i have taken a brand new pair of panty hose, chopped up my fresh cubies as finely as possible, and boiled them using the...
  5. H

    Help Me Identify!

    Definitely not P. cubensis, the most common magic mushrooms.
  6. H

    I must be the luckiest man of the day today

    ive gotten many of electronics wet. as long as its water and not something like a soda you should be fine. all you have to do is dry it out for a few days to be safe and all should be well.
  7. H

    shrooms, which strain of these???

    There is no difference between opened and unopened caps. The majority of experienced mushroom cultivators wait well after the veil breaks to harvest, a mushrooms still has a lot of growing left to do when the veil breaks. And with quite a bit of experience myself i can definitively say that...
  8. H

    shrooms, which strain of these???

    shroomery is your friend. register. use it.
  9. H

    Totally Awesome Home made Bong Contest!!

    have fun with the alzheimers disease later in life, aluminum foil is baaaad for you.
  10. H

    Shrooming in Florida

    Im down in sw florida and all you really have to do is find a pasture with cows on it. Try to find one thats not too close to a road. Then all you got to do is look around for cow shit lol.
  11. H

    "Burnt Out"

    I never fail to burn out after a long day of smoking. I usually have a nice fat bowl in the Bong for breakfast, then i go to work for 4 hours and come home for lunch around noon. I smoke another bowl and then eat something for lunch. Back to work till 4 o'clock. Smoke a couple more bowls when i...
  12. H

    mycelium life span?

    once a jar is fully colonized, how long will the mycelium live inside the jar before it goes bad and is unable to be fruited? Thanks!
  13. H

    What's the weirdest food combo..

    a bagel with cream cheese and eggos in the middle
  14. H

    Double Vision?

    it seems that its happening more and more now. it used to only happen when i was tired but now it seems like its every time i smoke
  15. H

    Regulate smokers, only smoke in the privacy of your own home!!!

    The only way you were harmed by that second had smoke is if you were standing a foot away from it inhaling the unfiltered smoke. The concentration of smoke in the air when it gets to you is so small that the chances of it harming you in any way are 0. The ONLY gripe i have with cigarette...
  16. H

    Double Vision?

    it seems more and more lately that i am finding myself straining to focus my vision on things after smoking. Especially the tv. It just seems like my eye muscles get lazy after i smoke and they dont want to focus so i end up seeing double. anyone else experience this?
  17. H


    so what exactly are we talking about here? acid?
  18. H

    a dry florida vacation..

    theres weed everywhere in ft myers, you just have to get off the island. just ask people who look like they smoke and im sure youll get lucky. Im about 30 min from the beach where im at.
  19. H

    Crazy shit you came up with high...

    so what if we go faster than the speed of light and technically travel backwards in time, but what will be the time difference after you have achieved that speed? a few minutes at most? to travel years or centuries into the past, you would have to travel faster than the speed of light for so...
  20. H

    Crazy shit you came up with high...

    I had a revelation one time while walking around in WALMART stoned out of my mind. In an effort to combat shoplifting, walmart employs people to walk around the store pushing box trolleys, some empty, some full of boxes, just to watch people and try to catch them stealing. I walked around in...