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  1. L

    Chlorophyll? More like borophyll!

    Haha, thanks man. I had a feeling it wouldn't work.
  2. L

    Couple of questions for ya'll

    Alright so I have a few questions I wanted to ask. One was about jelly, or jello for the Americans cause you guys call jam jelly for some reason. Anyway, I've heard of people using molasses for their plants, what would happen if you used flavoured jelly crystals, or even made-up jelly...
  3. L

    Purple streaks

    Sweet as, cheers guys. My guess was from the cold nights too. It's dropped to 6 (Celsius) a couple times since they've been outside but at least it's nothing serious. They're still getting a good amount of sun during the day so will see how it goes.
  4. L

    Purple streaks

    So I'm around halfway through my first grow, obviously don't know everything/much but was just wondering about these purple streaks: They have become much more prominent since I put the plants outside, mostly on the newer growth and has started showing a lot on the stems that the leaves are...
  5. L

    Chlorophyll? More like borophyll!

    So I was just thinking, what happens if you give chlorophyll (like, the shit in a bottle you would buy from a chemist or whatever) back to a plant? Anyone tried that before? What the fuck would happen? Sorry for swearing.
  6. L

    Provision Seeds Review

    Ahhh, didn't think about looking for a discount. Shiiiiite. Could have saved a bit there, just sent payment for a few then, will see what happens. Took a while to find somewhere decent that takes paypal
  7. L

    First grow

    Sorry guy, had to get to a computer. Re-upped on a better host, just for you. Yeah, i wanted to put them out earlier on but we had 40 degree plus day for at least 2 weeks in January I reckon, and after that I just forgot, haha. May do that.
  8. L

    First grow

    The first two are obviously the plants that were in big enough pots, the 3rd is one of the the smaller ones (tied down to the right as it was very tall and spindly lookin' before the change of screnery), and the 4th (another small one) I am/was going to attempt mainlining. And yeah it is...
  9. L

    First grow

    Hey all, first time growing, been lurking for a bit but figured I might as well register and get amongst it. Live in Aus, been wanting to grow for ages but never got around to it. Quit smoking about 6 months ago and just waiting for one of these hopefully female bag seeds to share its fruitful...
  10. L

    does my soil have enough nutes?

    I'm pretty new to growing, but from what I've come to understand it should be fine as is. You can ph the soil when you change the plants into different pots by running water through. And just give the plants nutes as indicated on the bottle. I started off with 1/4-1/2 of what was needed early in...