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    New Greenhouse Pix...whatcha think?

    thanks brother man im on it now im.going to be clesning all the bottoms off
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    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    this is one of my TD..she is 9.5 feet tall and five feet wide
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    Ideas on how to make a drip system?

    i live in socal aint raining qnd with how hot its been you need to keep em watered...the bottle idea works especially if you water rhem before you leave very well...its just like the water globe thing you see on will worl for like 2 days
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    New Greenhouse Pix...whatcha think?

    ive got two oscillating fans in opposite corners i was thinking about putting a couple box fans and making another window jist for extra...and also.a pound a piece? have u had any kind of experience with greenhouse do they compare to outdoors? thanks
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    New Greenhouse Pix...whatcha think?

    i understand completely buddy but i have really tried to stay on top of it ...its really just an interwined jungle in there...
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    New Greenhouse Pix...whatcha think?

    thanks and not to sound too noob but evrn with them r that on top of each other...the 3/4 lb a plant is still reasonable
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    knnthc outdoor grow

    you can try the baking soda but im all about eagle20 i mean serenade helps to control but if sprayed on ground it can help stop fungus and othet issues for now and years to come
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    New Greenhouse Pix...whatcha think?

    thanks guys and i almost just shit my is my first grow and tjey are green and alive so well done to me lol just worried about crowding issues and if that affects yield...
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    knnthc outdoor grow

    yea of the sensi star right...most of those chems are good until harvesr with two months renaining if you attack it hard asap you shouldnt have any worries about taste
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    knnthc outdoor grow

    dude toss the judo at them real in the ie too and i know how you feel but if you dont put sb end to that shit right now all your hard work is that still got six weeks of flowrr left?
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    New Greenhouse Pix...whatcha think?

    i know i know i know its crowded as hell lol ...i really underestimated these plants but they are alive and well...they are all about four foot wide just know that the peak in the greenhouse is 10 foot and the low sections of the roof are 8 foot...thanks not to rush but i am hoping these plants...
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    Which strain(s) do you think have them think? (indoor)

    all i can say is white widow always got both
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    6 foot beast, 1.5 lb yield?

    I am a newbie myself but i have seen a few grows over the years that plants needs a little more beef on the side possibly ....i would expect a half pound ...its alwats good to guess low and be surprised then guess high and be dissapointed..i have a bunch of 8 foot by five foot planta im...
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    How Far Along are these?

    thank you so much for your input i really appreciate ot...i am still very novice at thos growing...but one you have experience with tangerine has hairs but they arent stacking for anything?...aldo is denseness a factor i cant control outside...or is there aby recipes for...
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    How Far Along are these?

    yea of course i do lol they have been vegging since mid may...its just that i dont know if you have to add the weeks of preflowers or how it works...also when do the colas start to form and whats the best recipe for thick dense nugs
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    How Far Along are these?

    these are a few varying strains from sweet tooth skywalker og and blackwater far along do you think they are and when csn i exprct cola formation and denseness...also what do yall recommend for real dense plabts in a greenhouse grow
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    SoCal Greenhouse grow...couple ?s

    well i understand that but i want my greenhouse to stay legit and not be putting black tarp up ...i mean theres no light except the moon...does that ruin my chance at density
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    SoCal Greenhouse grow...couple ?s

    thank you all for the good wishes...i just want to know about the tangerine dream and nutes???
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    SoCal Greenhouse grow...couple ?s

    im a little east of la...but its hard to see the beauty in pictures you know...butbthey are monstrous...any advice
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    SoCal Greenhouse grow...couple ?s

    this is the blackwater its only likr 3 foot tall but looks great