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  1. greenzebra

    First CFL Grow-Bagseed-Stealth-Germinated 3-23

    I decided since I have some money I should buy a some planting pots and nutrients today. I picked up Miracle Grow Bloom Booster 15-30-15. I also bought 8" diameter planting pots. I checked at both Wal-Mart and Home Depot and neither had anything besides basic commercial brands. For veg I...
  2. greenzebra

    First CFL Grow-Bagseed-Stealth-Germinated 3-23

    Do you use any techniques like LST or topping? Will LSTing really make the plant shorter, or will it just allow for more bud sites and the plant will grow to the same height? Sorry for these basic questions.. I'm just trying to make sure everything is straight, I'm new to this and I hope...
  3. greenzebra

    First CFL Grow-Bagseed-Stealth-Germinated 3-23

    Man I figured people might notice this. I don't want to post in other people's journals or anything so hopefully this gets some attention heh. I plan to keep this updated regularly if enough people want to see it.
  4. greenzebra

    First CFL Grow-Bagseed-Stealth-Germinated 3-23

    Ok so, one of my biggest questions is: How long should I veg these in order to keep them at a managable height inside of these two rubbermaids? According to what I've read, plants grown under CFL's can only be around 20" for best results.. Is this true? Will an 8" or 10" diameter pot be...
  5. greenzebra

    First CFL Grow-Bagseed-Stealth-Germinated 3-23

    Ok guys so I've decided to do my first grow. I've been reading up here at RIU and other places as well and I feel as though I have enough information to do this project successfully. The seeds I have are from good stock from a friend of mine. Two of them are supposedly Sour Diesel and the...
  6. greenzebra

    Skybikes' First Grow (Stealth):2x AK47, 2x Fem. Trainwreck.

    Hard to tell exactly from the angle, but those look like preflowers on the front.. indicating that you have a female plant. I could be mistaken, I'm fairly new to this too but that is what it appears to be.