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  1. greedyboijay

    CGE Masterbubba Scrog 600w

    amazing scrog!! that master bubba looks so fuckin delicious:weed:, i never in my life wanted to be a plant so bad lol the marble look to the hash as well... jus amazing! great thread great grow great job, :peace:
  2. greedyboijay

    Should I switch to bloom nutrients not? PICS INCLUDED xD plz respond.

    I have gdp and plat ogs that are flowering and have been for 2weeks now..... Hit the flowering plant with bloom and the vegging with the grow nutes.... The 1 leaf is just a sign of flowering plants, they begin with single leaves and end with em too
  3. greedyboijay

    found a small gorrila style grow in iL near chicago....they smell sourr

    wats a greedy nig?? im not sure wat ur trying to say but if its what i think ur a fag who would only say some racist shit like that via a forum cuz in real life you'd get the shit beat out of you!
  4. greedyboijay

    how to trim roots?

    my thoughts exactly..... he stated from jump he's doing a party cup grow so all the transplant suggestions are just wasted breath
  5. greedyboijay

    Stunted growth need advise

    they were already outside and in 10 gal w/ ff happy frog, so i filled the holes n the ground with happy frog! that sucks if i have to start over... those girls were pretty tall
  6. greedyboijay

    Stunted growth need advise

    I think i fucked up 3 of my plants transplanting them from 10 gal pots to inground 3 weeks ago. . . . . . They havent really grown at all since =/ what should / can i do ??
  7. greedyboijay

    Man's Best Friend... (Post your pics)

    i have a few since i breed but these 2 are my garden watchers!!
  8. greedyboijay

    99 plant exemption questions ??? check me out real quick

    @ slump ......appreciate the help bro....
  9. greedyboijay

    99 plant exemption questions ??? check me out real quick

    idk if its cuz im high as ffuck or what but i do not see los angeles county on here
  10. greedyboijay

    99 plant exemption questions ??? check me out real quick

    So again were can I find my county specific laws.
  11. greedyboijay

    99 plant exemption questions ??? check me out real quick

    Really appreciate the info , would love to here others chime in yea this is my 1st grow and because i wasnt sure about the specific cannabis laws in my county i planted way under 99, and for that exact reason!
  12. greedyboijay

    99 plant exemption questions ??? check me out real quick

    i have my mmj rec with a 99 plant exemption. i received it when i wasw in norcal but currently my grow is setup in los angeles county! i need help finding info on the county regulations when it comes to number of mature n small plants also dry weight and anything else useful u could share...
  13. greedyboijay

    Many Can I Grow In Ca?

    whats the regulations for socal ??? im in los angeles and have an exemption from my doc thsat allows up to 99?
  14. greedyboijay

    fox farm soil 4 so cal growers

    I was getting it 11 dollars in bakersfield out here they want 20 a bag
  15. greedyboijay

    fox farm soil 4 so cal growers

    Who has the best price 4 fox farm soil in los angeles area
  16. greedyboijay

    Ever seen or heard of this strain????????

    naw i found it its sour diesel x donkey dick !
  17. greedyboijay

    Ever seen or heard of this strain????????

    sour donkey?? a friend of mine has some clones and i cant find any info on the web if you have any info, links, pics, please share
  18. greedyboijay

    Flowering Early?

    hes trying to go back in veg! 6 hours of light will keep it in flower!....throw her under 24 hour lght and give her veg nutrients
  19. greedyboijay

    Idk wtf is wrong with my gdp plant do you?? Plz help

    No caterpillars but its about 90 to 100 degree highs this summer where im at