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  1. S

    First Grow... hoping to have the definitive storage bin grow

    went ahead and put the 5 topped plants in 2-gallon pots last night. Look like they're recovering... more pics later...
  2. S

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    A couple pics of the topped plants... i think they're lookin mighty fine. More pics in journal...
  3. S

    First Grow... hoping to have the definitive storage bin grow

    I'm still fairly convinced that topping was the right way to go, I'm loving the experiment so far. Unless I'm seeing things, everything looks like I'm gonna be getting 2 colas...
  4. S

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Think these are lookin ok, what does everyone think? these first four are at about day 15-16 and the last is about day 13. He's a little bruised, but expecting a full recovery like the others. It looks to me like it's gonna go for double colas on all of these, but I'd like to know what...
  5. S

    First Grow... hoping to have the definitive storage bin grow

    Tops (i think) are lookin good, here's updated pics... I damaged the other one a bit too, but expect a full recovery, that's the last pic. I gave them a VERY weak FF bloom nute, so MAYBE i burned them a bit, hoping they'll start to show soon so i can get the girls in 2-gallon pots.
  6. S

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Yes, yes, I understand all that... I'm "taking one for the team" here and experimenting. I'll keep posting my progress, as there are a lot of people interested. We'll see what happens.
  7. S

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Here's a couple updated shots of the topped plants. Now 14 days old, topped day 11 or 12. More pics on my journal of course. Cheers.
  8. S

    First Grow... hoping to have the definitive storage bin grow

    Here's some pics of the topped plants. I damaged 2 of them in the topping process; but they seem to be recovering and will be just fine. I topped the fifth one last night and it looks like it'll be good, I was a bit more careful with it after seeing the other two. I might still top "Runt" when...
  9. S

    First Grow... hoping to have the definitive storage bin grow

    Topped a fifth plant today and it's lookin good so far, more pics to come...
  10. S

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    This is ripped from another forum, but thought this thread could use the reference... Hey everyone, for those of you that dont know me,, i have been working AFs for the past 6 yrs, a few weeks after JointDoctor released his first...
  11. S

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    You DONT do 12/12 with autoflowers. slk, what strain are you growing? 12/12 will significantly reduce any kind of production on an autoflowering plant.
  12. S

    Request Autoflowering Topic in "The Grow Room"

    Would like to suggest that we have a new Topic for all autoflowering questions. There's a HUGE thread now, but to break it off into it's own forum would make a lot of sense. There's a "new" way to grow folks, and a lot/most of the "normal" questions and posts wont apply to other ways of...
  13. S

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I'm kinda excited to say that I topped 4 of my DRs last night. These pics are 8 hours later and lookin like it's working... I'll keep posting to my journal and giving occasional updates here. Wish me luck, that we ALL might bask in multi-cola goodness :P
  14. S

    First Grow... hoping to have the definitive storage bin grow

    That's right folks, it's time to start experimenting a bit. I decided to take one for the team, and top my 4 biggest Diesel Ryders. I topped them just above the 2nd or 3rd node on each. This was done about 8 hours ago and here are current pictures... Everything's lookin pretty good so far, and...
  15. S

    Stealth Rubbermaid Vegging Area w/ Pics

    Take a look at my storage bin grow... it's a couple bucks more than a rubbermaid bin, but no light escapes at all. I'm using 8x 23w cfls and the temps are fine. I have a diy carbon filter on a 4" duct fan and everything. It's working great so far. Also, if stealth is important, you can do...
  16. S

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide Here's an update to my CFL diesel ryder grow... I think she's lookin good, (Edit: with the exceptions noted in my journal regarding the stunted ones) and I'm actually considering going...
  17. S

    First Grow... hoping to have the definitive storage bin grow

    Been a little bit, thought I'd give a quick update. Had 9 of 10 seeds germinate. 2 were in trouble almost immediately and you can see that they're currently stunted, but looking like they'll survive, to whatever end. They have the droops cause i over watered them a bit but they'll be fine...
  18. S

    What do you guys think?

    These are bagseed, so you can really assume they are not autoflower, which shows their sex on a timer. You wont be able to really tell the sex until you put them into 12/12. Then you'll either see little grape-looking balls (male) at the nodes, or you'll see more of an open pistil with 2...
  19. S

    First Grow... hoping to have the definitive storage bin grow

    OK, so to all you fine folks who jumped-in with the 12/12... Thank you... However, this is Diesel Ryder... Autoflowering strain from the Joint Doctor. It's kind of his follow-up to LR2. 24hours for veg, 20/4 for flowering... although you could do 24-hrs for flowering too if you wanted to, but...
  20. S

    First Grow... hoping to have the definitive storage bin grow

    Yay I got 2 poppers! Hopefully the rest will show soon. I wrapped a couple pieces of rubbermaid lid (from another project) with aluminum foil and taped some hangers to them. Does a nice, if not perfect, job of focusing the lights. You can also see the prefilter I wrapped around the outside...