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  1. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Would the purple taste fruity? purples are fruit (homer Simpson) lol
  2. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Not yet jenks if not today I say Monday =)
  3. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yeah man I'm same some personal smoke I be happy cool we usually have good weather sept-Oct when the kids go back to school always seems to be sunny haha can't wait till I'm stoned
  4. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    What about in a greenhouse?
  5. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Would it be too late to germ seeds now?
  6. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Welcome man loads people here give great advice, search the forum I found lot answers and wrecked people's head on here everyone is sound hope your grow goes well
  7. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yeah man just a cheapo one out of aldi did the job delighted, looking at grow tents now
  8. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    The girls have exploded with flowers, hope the sun comes back but she's flowering not long now =)
  9. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    The batch I just made was basic as, just some compost brew for 2 days foamed up nice just to try it, on my next grow I'm thinking of doing recipes as they say seen a few, I'm following a couple dudes on instagram they post up tons of recipes there grows look great
  10. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Alright lads decided to whip up a batch of compost tea try it just fed the girls with it see how it goes, been reading loads good things bout it anyone tried it doing it!?
  11. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Fair play mate looking forward to the next adventure I'm sure I'll be hounding everyone with Qs lol, still on sack watch none as yet thank god!
  12. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    How's everyone this cracking Sunday, does anyone use the app for here? I do it never loads the pics people put up I have to log in through the website to view people's pics and grows bit annoying just letting people know not being a smug fecker not liking stuff soon as I do be on the site I...
  13. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Check out the Cola on this bad boy lol was at the zoo today was like imagine that was weed serious yeild
  14. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Seen hangover 3 was let down not a drop of alcohol was consumed in it haha 1st ones still the best, Man of steel next week living for this film!
  15. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yeah man like they were fried since I've moved them and did all the above they've sorted out
  16. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I gave mine an extra watering this morning, more than usual just home now and the difference in them already, they seemed to like it gonna give one more big one in the next day or two leave to dry out and start on small feeding with different feed one for flowering, so far I've moved them to a...
  17. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Grand day for the washing haha
  18. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I've had my head in the books reading up on them they look really good looking forward to trying them out, gonna be more prepared this time pick up a few essentials before I start, if this weather stays the same ill be laughing =))
  19. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    There bruised there battered but there still going I'm calling them lowrockys there a fighter haha it had to of been the heat out my garden have them in a spot that gets a breeze but they seem to ok, iddy biddy flowers
  20. DublinGrower83

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I'd actually be devastated if I had to chop, all the effort Gone into it like, suposse if you've loads of them going it ain't too bad if I was only left with two I would actually be a Lil depressed haha