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  1. AlmightySteve

    Need diagnosis

    Ok, my plant is starting it's 4th week of life and the leaves at the bottom are starting to wilt and die. The bottom two leaves are just about completely dead, and the 2 above them are starting to show signs they'll do the same. I was worried about the quality of soil and nutrients used in...
  2. AlmightySteve

    perputal grow

    So what would it take to keep the same plant growing, flowering, budding? Personally, I'd much rather not chopping down plants and killing them to harvest.
  3. AlmightySteve

    Quick newbie question

    Well if the leaves have no future, I'm sure the plant will let go of them when its ready. As for the screwdriver, I wasn't really thinking about material at the time, I could've used a stick. I mostly did it because when I put soil in the planter, I packed the bottom inch so the soil wouldn't...
  4. AlmightySteve

    first post first grow

    Looks too early to tell, but nice size so far
  5. AlmightySteve

    long stems layin over

    I grow outdoors so my plant gets a nice breeze. I agree with Johnwashburn though about tapping or poking the plants. Anything you can do to make the plant sway a bit will help it. It's like muscles, they need to rip from exertion then heal to be stronger. But if you can see the rips, they're...
  6. AlmightySteve

    Trichome Viewing

    Seeing things like that makes me mad Canada doesn't have Radio Shack anymore. We have the stupid Source by Circuit City. I even have a Radio Shack toque I like to where for nostalgia. Anyways, I'll definitely buy something like this. Then I'll probably get stoned and use it to examine my...
  7. AlmightySteve

    Quick newbie question

    Again, I would've edited but I couldn't. So, update is the bottom 2 leaves have practically died. I think it's from the nutes, so I used a screwdriver to aerate the soil at the bottom, then flushed the soil with pure water. It also hasn't gained any height since the decay of those 2 leaves...
  8. AlmightySteve

    Quick newbie question

    I used a little bit of 10-15-10 when it was in the other planter.
  9. AlmightySteve

    Quick newbie question

    It's either Butterscotch or Hawaiin. It's about 3 weeks old now. It was grown indoors under a CFL for the first week of its life before I had it. There's 2 decoy ducks, and a huge decoy "Bruce" the goose. The bottom 2 leaves are very slowly turning yellow, and it has me wondering.
  10. AlmightySteve

    Quick newbie question

    Don't mind the disgusting looking pool. We can't afford to fix it, so now it's a pool shaped pond with hundreds of fish in it, and the fire hydrant is a working water pump.
  11. AlmightySteve

    Quick newbie question

    I hate starting new threads, but I just need some quick advice. This is the first time I've grown my own plant. I have my plant in the middle of my backyard where I think it will get the most light. I've given it a cup, or half cup of water every couple days when the soil seems dry (I dig...
  12. AlmightySteve

    HOW MUCH WEED DO YOU SMOKE???.....I think i might be a stoner

    Last summer I bought an ounce every other week, and a quarter ounce every 3 days. Only a couple times did I still have weed when I bought more, but it almost always followed that schedule. It was when I got paid, and when I got my tips. Ounces were around $130-150, and quarters were about...
  13. AlmightySteve

    Obama's Drug Policy

    An IRS agent was tired of being asked for the law that requires USA citizens to pay income taxes. After he couldn't locate one he quit his job and never paid taxes again. If I could remember his name I would've wrote it.
  14. AlmightySteve

    alibi plant?

    If you want to be a smartass you could tell them you're growing Nightshade because you don't like the new neighbours. It's a relative of the tomato plant.
  15. AlmightySteve

    check these out!!!!!!

    My brother's gf has a couple of those in her front garden. Hers even smell like weed. I'd use those to help hide a pot plant in a flower garden.
  16. AlmightySteve

    How to keep annoying f#@king children from destroying my garden?

    Electric fence. They'll learn pretty quickly not to invade. Doesn't have to be high voltage, just enough to shock them.