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  1. JazzMonkey

    Question about harvest time

    Check out this thread..... JM
  2. JazzMonkey

    The worst your parents ever beat your ass

    okay,I accept cultural anomolies. I just get all hot under the collar when I feel people are being lumped together because of appearance rather than behaviour. In my experience that only thing that binds people who behave like arseholes (assholes) together is that they are arseholes. Respecca...
  3. JazzMonkey

    The worst your parents ever beat your ass

    Dude, WTF does that mean? Are you saying that black people are more proned to violence? Coz if you are i would like to see the literature that cleary demonstrates this. JM
  4. JazzMonkey

    my first aero grow, suggestions appreciated!

    RE the heat issue - I guess without experimenting you're not going to know. If the room and the inline extractor is big enough it should be fine. Lovely bud porn BTW. I would transfer a seed as soon as it had a couple of mm's of roots. However, I'm sure someone other people have their own...
  5. JazzMonkey

    my first aero grow, suggestions appreciated!

    Hmmm, I guess you've got concrete floors, so venting down is out. What kind of roof is it? Is there an attic space you could safely vent into? or crawl space? Otherwise I guess low odour varieties, though were's the fun in that? or carbon filters. I know nothing about them though. JM
  6. JazzMonkey

    my first aero grow, suggestions appreciated!

    Hello dmt, Just Thought I'd raise your spirits with a reply. My experience as a newbie/ rooky/fresh-faced scamp, is that I have had next to no replies to posts I have started. I hope your experience is better than mine. Your set up is difficult for me to comment on as I am insufficiently...
  7. JazzMonkey

    question! if answered could help many people!

    what about venting into a wall cavity, or under the floor boards? It might dissipate the smell?
  8. JazzMonkey

    question! if answered could help many people!

    If he grew in a room that had previously had a flushing toilet in it, then there would be a soil pipe of 110mm width where the toilet would have been. That could be adapted to take the exhaust from an extractor fan. That would do it. JM
  9. JazzMonkey

    Autoflower/lighting questions

    Hello, I was wondering what your thoughts on this were. I grow in a 'drobe in my garage in the uk. Its getting cold, and so my dark period temps are lower than ideal. (Curent grow - 3 x Afghan kush - WOS- under 250w envirolite and 42w of disco lights to mix up the spectrum, in soil - John...
  10. JazzMonkey

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Tunafish? How?
  11. JazzMonkey

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Just read your original post fdd2blk. Beautiful. Just...I mean, so simple, like a long Haiku. Absolutely no wasted words. cheers.
  12. JazzMonkey

    Hello, just wanted to introduce myself

    Cheers Minnestoner. This a BIG forum! Lots of people, lots of knowledge and I have to say I've also noticed there are some angry people with big Ego's. I know you get that everywhere, but I like to entertain the idea that smokers are different. Damn my old-fashioned romantic ways. JM
  13. JazzMonkey

    cfl grow frist indoor grow

    Looks like new blood gotta look after eachother round here, so I'll share what I know. I'n in the same boat bro. Always grown outdoore, and just moved inside with a 250w envirogrow. What wattage do your bulbs amount to? Information is variable, but there is talk of using so called blue...
  14. JazzMonkey

    Hello, just wanted to introduce myself

    Hello, Thought I'd start by saying hello. Hello. Firstly, thanks for all the amazing information here, I've been reading for weeks, as I'm moving over from outdoor to indoor growing and its a world apart, so lots to learn. Anyway, apart from that I hope to contribute what I can and otherwise...