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  1. J

    Bump If You're Baked!

  2. J

    How do you know when you're bombed?

    HAHAHAHA i do the same thing with movies. one day i was trying to change the channel with my computer mouse, and pointing my remote control at my laptop. then after a minute i realized what was going on, and how fucking stoned i was. tonight i'm working on smoking myself into oblivion
  3. J

    just got into a big fight with my gf

    TRUEST statement EVER made
  4. J

    Does it hurt to get a dog high from a few hits?

    i don't directly get my dog high, but with how much smoke is in here when i get high at night, i'm sure he gets a contact high
  5. J

    Bump If You're Baked!

    just starting hitting my bong already gettin pretty ripped
  6. J

    Favorite line from a Song.

    "i didn't even have to use my AK" i just think it's funny
  7. J

    Should you say Hi to your neighbors?

    i'm casually friendly with my neighbors, for the most part. i'd rather they think i'm nice than to know me for the true asshole i really am. at least i like to think it'll reduce the chances of them complaining about me to the management :)
  8. J

    anyone watching CNBC's Marijuana USA

    That show was pretty awesome. now i'm watching cocaine cowboys 2 :)
  9. J

    anyone watching CNBC's Marijuana USA

    i'm watching it right now, DVR'd that shit.
  10. J

    Insomnia Stikes Again

    i'm an insomniac damn near every night. getting stoned usually helps :)
  11. J

    Anyone still have their first piece?

    i still do. a medium sized glass pipe
  12. J

    Tokin Tools?

    i just make a quick foil pipe when in emergency. if no foil i can make a soda can work :)
  13. J

    Tron Legacy Soundtrack

    i just listened to a couple of the tracks. that is BAD. def buyin this !
  14. J

    Tron Legacy Soundtrack

    Daft Punk is one of my favs dude they are SOOO sick. i can't wait to get my hands on this soundtrack and hear the whole thing. i'm probably gonna go see this movie just to see it stoned, and listen to daft punk. hell yeah. :)
  15. J

    What is your favorite slang term for the Great Green Goddess of Get High??

    i usually say pot but sometimes i said weed. like i usually use weed when i'm referring to it like "buying weed" "selling weed" "an ounce of weed". but then i always say pot when i say "i smoke pot every night before bed" or "hey do you smoke pot?" dunno how that became a habit for me tho :)
  16. J

    Would you stay at a resort on the Moon?

    fuck yeah!
  17. J

    A real life example of stupidity in action

    Dude that is so fucking funny. guess she never thought it was possible something they ate together at lunch might've had the slightest bit to do with it :)
  18. J

    Bump If You're Baked!

    gettin blazed up on my bong right now ! :)
  19. J

    Bump If You're Baked!

    blazed up on some new shit, and about to get re-blazed :)
  20. J

    Bump If You're Baked!

    wow dude, had to re-bump this cuz now i'm REALLY fuckin high as fuck