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  1. YoungClover

    Hairs turning brown??

    A few hairs on my brothers plant are turning brown and dying, I was wondering what might be causing this, just in case it continues to happen. The brown hair are found on two different buds.
  2. YoungClover

    Is it okay to transplant & then...

    Is it okay to transplant & then flower immediately after? or should i let the roots grow out a little first? and if I should let them grow out a little first, how long should I?
  3. YoungClover

    Weird Growth!!

    I have a small plant maybe 3 weeks from seed, and on one of the branches off the main stem it is growing branches instead of fan leaves. It is by far the weirdest thing i have seen a plant do. The first node is a set of fan leaves. the second node is a branch, and leaves do appear to be growing...
  4. YoungClover

    first cfl grow! pics.

    Buy a security timer and one of the brown extension cords with three outlets from Walmart (Should cost less than $15.) Then just plug the timer in to the wall outlet, run the extension cord from the timer to the lights, and plug them all in.
  5. YoungClover

    first cfl grow! pics.

    No Prob, I also had similar lights at one point, probably the same ones if they are "Light of America" brand. They worked very well for me. You plants look healthy as far as I can tell. I had similar problems on my leaves, I have reason to believe it was ants. Also, don't be afraid to let the...
  6. YoungClover

    first cfl grow! pics.

    I noticed that you left the plastic covers over your lights, Taking it off would dramatically increase light quality.
  7. YoungClover

    1st Grow; Using CFL; Tell me how I'm doing

    My plant has been flowering almost a month now, and it has tiny nugs everywhere. I have been putting it out in the sun lately, and it is looking very nice because of it. I have four new plants that will be for my next harvest. Two are clones off my plant, one is a clone off my friends plant &...
  8. YoungClover

    can i chop fan leaves for more light exposure

    This statement is very wrong. Shaded areas of the plant for a fact do not grow as fast as lighted ones. The more light an area get the bigger it gets. The nug's on top are much bigger, are they not. Oh and btw, Our bodies do work just like this in the fact that if you exercise one arm more than...
  9. YoungClover

    My neighbor might become deputy sheriff!

    In cali you may still end up in a prison database with a card. That should be no problem.
  10. YoungClover

    My neighbor might become deputy sheriff!

    lmao... I'll be sure of that. Cards are moderately easy to get here, but I don't want my name in a database.
  11. YoungClover

    My neighbor might become deputy sheriff!

    My neighborhood is pretty much like that. I do know her name, but she has never been in my house, and should have no knowledge of me being a pothead. I will continue to grow inside, but am hesitant to plant outside this year.
  12. YoungClover

    My neighbor might become deputy sheriff!

    Yesterday, I found out that my neighbor might become the new deputy sheriff. I think that I'm fine to go ahead with my indoor setup, but wanted to know what you guy would do in this situation.
  13. YoungClover

    Weird clones...

    Be very cheap... Buy a propagation tray ($6 at most), a 23 watt/1600 lumen cfl light ($5) & some rockwoll cubes or condense soil pellets. (usually $0.10-0.25 each). You should be set with that setup, I root all my clones as so and have lost one yet. Edit: Forgot about rooting hormone... I...
  14. YoungClover

    Two week old clone flowering in 24 hr light.

    The light is a 23 watt CFl bulb, Daylight spectrum. 1600 lumens
  15. YoungClover

    Two week old clone flowering in 24 hr light.

    The mother was from a seed that I brought from Jamaica. The mother was a very early flowering plant as well. I clipped the clone on January 1st. The clone was clipped under water and dipped in "Rootone" rooting hormone.Then I put the clone in soil pellets and inside a humidity dome. The clone...
  16. YoungClover

    Two week old clone flowering in 24 hr light.

    A clone I clipped of my plant 2 weeks ago has female flowers all over it and is in constant 24 hour light. The flower did not appear until after it rooted and more continue to grow elsewhere. The clone is only two inches high. Is this normal? The pistols are to small to take a picture of, but...
  17. YoungClover

    Was thinking about buying an LED light

    Wow do I feel stupid, I was under the impression L.E.D. lights were simple incandescent when i made that post, after some googling I have realized my mistake. I still stand by not buying l.e.d. lights though, as from what i have seen they are simply not as effective as other lights.
  18. YoungClover

    My friends plants 2weeks veg

    I new to growing myself, but they look very good in my opinion.