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  1. J

    Trichomes gone milky? Do I flush?

    No it’s fine bro it’s only my 2nd grow and that’s that much bullshit information online it’s hard to know which is right. I found a few nanas on one of my plants last week and I didn’t want to leave them too long in case they get seeds. I’ve checked the actual buds and the trichomes are milky...
  2. J

    Trichomes gone milky? Do I flush?

    Only mentioned about flushing cos I read that you flush as soon as the trichomes turn milky, or is that information shit lol. If I’ve got a few weeks left it’s sound il just lower the nutes probably next tank change.
  3. J

    Trichomes gone milky? Do I flush?

    Hey guys here’s a few pics of the buds. Trichome pic is abit fuzzy tho. They have all turned milky do I flush now? I have checked trichomes on the buds through a microscope. Any suggestions Wud be appreciated. If I need to be patient and wait abit longer fair enough .
  4. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch help!

    Yea these ones are mine mate. they haven’t really started to swell yet. Just gna keep an eye out for nanas now until there ready to chop.
  5. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch help!

    Yea that’s good advice thank you mate. There all an 7-8 week strain so I think ur probably right. They will only have a few weeks left anyway. There on week 5 from tomorrow . I’ve got a good microscope to keep an eye on the trichs
  6. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch help!

    Thank you for your help and reassurance dude. Scary time when u see something like that this close to harvest.
  7. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch help!

    Yea tbh mate my lost grow all I did was LST and got great results! Managed 4 ounce dry on both plants. So il probably stick to that next time. Just getting paranoid now that my whole crop is fucked. But I haven’t seen any nanas or anything on the back plants. Was only 3 nanas on the front one...
  8. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch help!

    Thank you for the reassurance mate, it’s only my 2nd grow and wanted to try lollipopping with the two Pineapple Express. Il just keep my eye out for any more nannas. The back two plants don’t seem to have any nanas they just have a lot of brown hairs. The trichomes are still quite clear. Hoping...
  9. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch help!

    I found 3 nanas on the 3 different lower buds on the first right plant. No balls or anything and on the two back plants there is nothing just lots of brown hairs. So unsure weather to finish then of or just chop them.
  10. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch help!

    So my plant isn’t a hermie then? Even tho I’ve found a few nanas? The two back plants have a lot of brown hairs on but no nanas or balls
  11. J

    Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?

    different calyx it wasn’t a mature seed tho. I’ve only found 3 nanas . The other two plants have nothing on them at all
  12. J

    Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?

    Just cut open a calyx on the plant I found nanas on and there was a tiny seed
  13. J

    Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?

    Are these pics any better?
  14. J

    Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?

    I’m really not sure tho cos I’ve found no balls or nanas on any of them part from one. But the two back plants have a lot of brown hairs on them
  15. J

    Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?

    The smaller bud is the one where I found a nana on. And the bigger bud is on a different plant that has a lot of brown hairs onit
  16. J

    Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?

    Weird thing is tho mate. The plant that I found nanas on has hardly any brown hairs on. The back two plants have lots of brown hairs on but couldn’t find any balls or nanas at all. So I’m confused tbh dude.
  17. J

    Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?

    Would you recommend tearing open a lower bud or top? Sorry for the questions mate . Never had this problem before.
  18. J

    Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?

    Should I open up some bracts on the plants to see if there are any seeds In there
  19. J

    Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?

    Yea my buds don’t look that big tbh for 4 weeks. Really not sure what to do. Take the risk of chop them and be done with it
  20. J

    Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?

    They defo wasn’t open sacs mate they was closed. I picked them straight off this afternoon. Should I just leave my plants to do their thing?