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  1. G

    First Auto Flower

    Last night was last watering. Not too sure on when I should use flower newts..if at all. I read that feeding too early will stunt vertical growth. And yes Ive moved the light further up and moved her off to the side.
  2. G

    First Auto Flower

    Also right before I took this pic I tucked fan leaves in to help distribute light to other branches
  3. G

    First Auto Flower

    No, feeding been using straight water. Thats not the only one I have under the light. I have some clones and a few in bigger pots vegging. Just watered her today. Yeah it is a tad warm I raised the light to about 2 ft above. I think I like the auto flowers though but cant be sure till I harvest.
  4. G

    First Auto Flower

    This is my first auto flower grow. It is an Auto Wappa from paradise seeds. Lights are 1000 watt Hps. Soil is cheap gardening soil. This is roughly day 25-30. Looks ok I supppse. Definatly different then growing regular plants.