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  1. solarphlare

    Anybody Out There. Is it Flowering Time Yet?

    Thak you racerboy71 for your quick reply, They are inside and I was wondering what do you think in you expert oppinion is the wise thing to do? And also do I start counting the weeks from the very first day of 12/12 and hope for a quick 8-9 week indica?
  2. solarphlare

    Anybody Out There. Is it Flowering Time Yet?

    Hello every1 out there, got a question. This is my very first grow and today my babies turned two months old today, all were planted in dirtand all were from bag seeds. I have a total of four and was wondering is it time to start flowering yet. The biggest one is 26.5 inches tall coming in at...
  3. solarphlare

    Newby Grower with Cfl Question Anybody Help?

    That fin shit looks like it is going to be the heavy weight champ. Great job on using such creativity, I think you should be able to pull more than an OZ off each one no prob. Mine at this moment I think are ready to going into flowering, I just want to make sure that they are fully mature. The...
  4. solarphlare

    Newby Grower with Cfl Question Anybody Help?

    Sweet fuckin sweet. Bet your in high heaven right now. Me I am ten days away from my bitches being two months old. I have recently built a light rackand I am currently deciding weather or not to flower yet. I have purchased a 600 watt dimmable ballest and a mh and hps light all for a total of...
  5. solarphlare

    newby lost and needs help with cfls, anybody?

    Guys how it going, been a while and yes I cannot wait until I do get to enjoy my home brewed meds. So far the grow is going great, and honostly, I cannot believe how fast these little bitches grow. So here is an update, they are four weeks old today, and I have succesfully transplanted them on...
  6. solarphlare

    Newby Grower with Cfl Question Anybody Help?

    Yeah from the picture you can tell that there sativa's, it got to be six feet tall because of it being a sativa that is what they are known for, being tall and hard to grow inside. You should be stoked, because you are about to acomplish what many people can not do, grow sativas inside...
  7. solarphlare

    Newby Grower with Cfl Question Anybody Help?

    Those bitches are lookin good and tasty. What exactly are they? from the photos they look to be sativas? I just transplanted my babies into large 5 gal containers and have given them there first dose of all organic fert,the wonderful Earth Juice and there loving it.I will post pics tomarrow...
  8. solarphlare

    The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

    If there is one thing that I am certain of, it is know'n that the acceptance of marijuana has come this far, mainly because of OBAMA. So for all of you that are bad mothing him just remember that obtaining your medication is a lot eaiser because of him. Now lets be honost if Donald Trump wins...
  9. solarphlare

    Why You Should Vote For Obama?

    Obama has done one hell of a job in my opinion, unless the end of the world takes place between now and next years elections, then there is nothing that will stop me from vote'n for OBAMA. Come on now the man even has marijuana named after him, now in my opinion that is the bussines. I feel as...
  10. solarphlare

    Newby Grower with Cfl Question Anybody Help?

    So here is the up date to my babies so far I have been given them this getto fert I purchased from my local nursery that uses three different type of fert's. They will be transplanted in the next two days into 5 gal pots and will be placed under a 600 watt dimmable HID light where I will use it...
  11. solarphlare

    Newby Grower with Cfl Question Anybody Help?

    there are growing so fast now it is so un-real right now my camera has no battery power, soI am unble to take and post any pictures so I will post the progress of them later. They are still deep green but now they have my dam house starting to smell like skunk ville im lovin it. so catch the...
  12. solarphlare

    Newby Grower with Cfl Question Anybody Help?

    thank you so much you rock as well to be honost, They all were from a bag of mexican swag I picked up, so they all started from seeds and to be honost I think thats all I am going to do, not sure if I am going to do the whole clone thing, unless I find one that is just a dank fast growing little...
  13. solarphlare

    newby lost and needs help with cfls, anybody?

    Thank you guys so much for all your help and all of your opinions that have really opened my eyes to a new avenue. well today is 21 days now, and that means they are now in the world of no return. The cotyledon are sarting to yellow now and are aprantly starting to die, so now its the moment of...
  14. solarphlare

    newby lost and needs help with cfls, anybody?

    sweet I definatly have to get my hands on some of those for sure, here is an update twenty days old today, I can not believe i am speaking like that I sound like a proud father any way check it out Thanks for everything. solar
  15. solarphlare

    Newby Grower with Cfl Question Anybody Help?

    sweet man looking so good, bet it's gonna taste even better, 4 weeks already is it not a trip to see how fast these plants grow. wow, but I guess seeing how they only have a year life and can grow to 22 feet explains alot, your almost there and will have quality meds grown by you in no time...
  16. solarphlare

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    absolutly the rapid rooter plugs is what the master stin bud recommends, basicly germinate then whe tap root emerges take and carefully place into rapid rooter, then take the plugs ad drop them into your net pots and a good idea would be to take some panty hos and strecth it over you pump so the...
  17. solarphlare

    Should I force flower to check sex before putting outside to veg?

    4 to 6 weeks from seed above fourth nood shows signs of presex i only told him told force preflower from a CUTTING AND PLACE I INTO A CABINET ON 12/12 because it seemed like this person really wanted to know and did not want to wait weeks.
  18. solarphlare

    Should I force flower to check sex before putting outside to veg?

    I agree with frmboi the one thing you should always try and avoid is stress the bitches or you end with with tom and jane and not mary jane stright hermee patience is a virtue like i said take a clipping and force flower in a cabinet 12/12 light
  19. solarphlare

    Should I force flower to check sex before putting outside to veg?

    A good way to do this would be to take a cutting and place it in a cup of water put it in a cabinet with light on for 12/12 and with in 10 14 days it should show you its sex hope this helps.
  20. solarphlare

    when to start flushing?

    I was told when you think its time to harvest wait another week and youll be fine so when you look at it and say its time to flush wait another week, learned this from mr stink bud