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  1. headiessmoka

    Are my clones still on track????? **Pics**

    what medium is that?rockwool? I would make sure you are okay to leave those cubes open like that. I'm thinking you might have to keep them covered or something? I don't know.. that is why I use rapid rooters for my clones :D
  2. headiessmoka

    8 weeks of flowering. Harvest soon? (video)

    shameless bump :D
  3. headiessmoka

    8 weeks of flowering. Harvest soon? (video)

    I'm looking for less couchlock though. I'll give it another two weeks or so. I have a 60-100x lens, not alot of amber trichs yet. Still time then.
  4. headiessmoka

    8 weeks of flowering. Harvest soon? (video)

    UwlqhTQ7GQ4 Here it is guys, I'm nearing the finish line of my first grow. For anyone whom it concerns, I'm looking for more of a head high and less of a couchlock high so harvesting a teeny bit early seems like what I should do. The orange hairs are reaching about the 40% mark, but there are...
  5. headiessmoka

    This clone is having problems. Month old.

    It is FFOF soil with powdered dolomite lime added at a ratio if 1tbsp per gallon of soil. Roughly an inch of perlite at the bottom for drainage. I seriously hadn't fed or watered that plant in about a week. The soil was still moist due to the small root system when I transplanted. Either...
  6. headiessmoka

    Can anyone diagnose this? Also an update.

    I use distilled water, and the calmag I put in is no more than 1.5tsp per gallon. Knowing this, is what you say still true? And thanks, Carl. Btw, love that movie. You Cinderella boy, you.
  7. headiessmoka

    This clone is having problems. Month old.

    did you look at my plants? maybe clone is the wrong term to use. They *were* clones, now they are growing plants. Please take a look at pictures.
  8. headiessmoka

    This clone is having problems. Month old.

    Temps are a solid 65-75f all the time. Does anyone think this is root-rot? I've read somewhere the ramhorn thing is a symptom.
  9. headiessmoka

    This clone is having problems. Month old.

    ill just leave them alone, then. I definitely don't think I overwatered but the pot might be too big and soil isn't draining quickly enough.. idk
  10. headiessmoka

    This clone is having problems. Month old.

    The one with the problems should be apparent (left one). I understand the light setup is far from optimal for plants those size, that's another story. Plan on improving that soon. However, the girl with the issues has been exhibiting these symptoms for a while now. I just tried a flush/fed it...
  11. headiessmoka

    Can anyone diagnose this? Also an update.

    I'll be honest, I don't check my pH for the nutes. I just follow this recipe and use it with distilled water at 1/2 strength per gallon (last 2 feedings this way.. watered regularly twice in between feeding with distilled water +1 tsp calmag per gallon and also put a tbsp of powdered dolomite...
  12. headiessmoka

    Can anyone diagnose this? Also an update.

    Sorry for any confusion, they are nearing 6 week of flowering.
  13. headiessmoka

    Can anyone diagnose this? Also an update. edit: she is almost 6 weeks of flowering now Started this thread a few weeks ago. It is quite lengthy, and the tl;dr version is basically: rusty spots were showing up on leaves and the best theory was...
  14. headiessmoka

    Hungry/burnt or?

    Looks like cal/mg deficiency and maybe some other deficiency/lockout. What is your water? Nutes? Soil, etc. If this has been listed already, apologies.
  15. headiessmoka

    My first grow ;)

    Shouldn't harm them at all. Just remember you can't keep HID lighting as close as cfl, and monitor your temps. Great lookin plants.
  16. headiessmoka

    Is this a magnesium deficiency?

    I started feeding mine at 2 weeks with 1/4 strength, they responded beautifully. Since you've waited so long, I would say go ahead and go 1/2 and see how they respond. Might want to keep it at 1/2 next time, too.
  17. headiessmoka

    [Help] Grow room killing plants?

    Just make sure there is some kind of passive air intake and do yourself a favor-- buy a good exhaust fan. That space looks pretty large, you might possibly need 500cfms or more. Google is your friend if you're trying to figure out how many cfm you need for that space. From what I've gathered...
  18. headiessmoka

    [Help] Grow room killing plants?

    Temps in the 84+ region stunt growth big time, IMO. That box also doesn't look like it has great air circulation. Just going off the picture, though. Do make sure you have some kind of fan extracting air. Make sure it has adequate CFMs. Next time, don't give any kind of nutes until at least the...