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  1. H

    Using a Regular House Light to Grow?

    LOL a glowstick or candle? thats fuckin hilarious!
  2. H

    Customs found my seeds but sent me them anyways

    I think this is a very likely scenerio. Not that I know anything about customs, just sounds plausable. Is getting your seeds intercepted by customs a common thing? Do seed companies usually re ship if you tell them this happened? I was planning on buying a couple different femmed strains...
  3. H

    Using a Regular House Light to Grow?

    Some people just like to contradict others... makes them feel important.
  4. H

    Using a Regular House Light to Grow?

    I agree, your friend is a complete idiot. Its very common knowlege that you cant grow with an incandecent bulb. I cant believe someone would go online and pay money for seeds and they dont have the first fucking clue about growing.
  5. H

    any light bulbs that wont affect my 12/12 grow?

    Yea man, plants don't absorb green light, they reflect it, hence the green color. I know they sell special green lights made specifically for growing, but I'm not sure if you would need that, or if a basic green "party bulb" would work.
  6. H

    How to Get Soil without Being Suspicious?

    Don't take it personal man, thats just Ku Long. While most of the time I fully agree with what he is saying, he's still a dick... :) I don't understand why you have to explain anything to them. If it were me, I would just sneak a bag of soil in at night or something. No reason for them to...
  7. H

    Growing Sativa Under Cfls

    Sativa plants stretch like a mother fucker during flowering. If they were too tall for the space during veg, that could be the problem. With CFLs you dont usually want to grow real tall plants anyway due to the poor penetration. If you post some pics Im sure an expert could help you more than...
  8. H

    Here's. A 3 word story

    worst story ever...
  9. H

    2012. Shift in poles? solar flares? safe communities? what do you think?

    You took that the wrong way bud. I was not attacking you at all. I was talking about people in general. I guess my ! and ? at the end of my sentences made it seem like I was going after you, sorry.
  10. H

    2012. Shift in poles? solar flares? safe communities? what do you think?

    I will admit that its very creepy, and interesting to think about situations like this. When I read the part about the "oceans will turn black", it did send a chill down my spine. Personally I kinda want to see the end of the world in my lifetime.... that would be pretty fuckin crazy.
  11. H

    2012. Shift in poles? solar flares? safe communities? what do you think?

    right, like I said, they just made some stupid shit up! Why would anyone believe that load of shit?!?! So what if the computers think its 1900?! I just dont understand how people can be so gullible sometimes.... mindless sheep...
  12. H

    Does Anyone Know A FOREIGNER Busted For GROWING????

    How did he get busted man? Maybe others can learn from his mistake...
  13. H

    2012. Shift in poles? solar flares? safe communities? what do you think?

    Im not even the slightest bit concerned about 2012... You guys really think some ancient civilization predicted the end of the world? Guys remember y2k? Did they even give us a legit reason that the world was going to end in 2000? They just made some stupid shit up about computers and...
  14. H

    2012. Shift in poles? solar flares? safe communities? what do you think?

    I dont think anything will happen, but then again, I dont believe in anything... edit, how do I make the picture bigger?
  15. H

    Dogs vs. Cats...

    I dont like cats because I feel like they are always judging me.... stuck up mother fuckers...
  16. H

    Dea Chopper?

    You're going to prison man...
  17. H

    Let's talk about 'shroom extract

    This is wrong lol... so many misconceptions about shrooms, people just make shit up about them lol I may be new to growing bud, but I have grown shrooms for years (you can look me up on This is by far my favorite way to dose: 1. weigh out your dose. (I usually use about...
  18. H

    Newbie Help with Lights / Light Cycle

    As far as the HPS question, it depends on how long you are wanting to veg. Its pretty hard to answer a question like this with accuracy. I would say 4 large plants, up to 20 small plants, or anywhere in between.
  19. H

    Best Way to Poison Weed

    I think what the OP was saying was - he was gonna give the dude some buds for watching his shit, but he suspects the guy will smoke all the bud he is supposed to be babysitting, and just say someone stole it. Nomatter what you were trying to say OP, you are a fucktard! If you dont trust the...
  20. H

    Receiving Coke from Peru in a Letter

    Dude, of course you will get in trouble if caught.