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    DIY hydro help

    do you have a link to some info for me on your setup? If not, how tall is the bucket you use to house the hempy cup?
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    Help with indoor to outdoor

    Update: Plant was about 16 inches when it went out side in early june. Did nothing for a bit, then started to grow leaves from the growing tips. THE WEIRD THING IS: The leaves first came out singular, than three fingered and then normal, as if the plant REVERTED BACK TO THE SEEDLING STAGE. I...
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    DIY hydro help

    :clap:So, I want to take the plunge, so to speak, and move from soil to hydro. Soil is riddled with pest problems, mold problems, oxygen problems and nutrition problems. The more R+D I do, the more I see that the basic premise behind hydro is just that, basic. Flowing water, oxygenated water...
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    Help with indoor to outdoor

    bumppity bump bump bump
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    Help with indoor to outdoor

    Indoor lights are on 24 hrs, outdoor the sun is up for about 13 hours. If I take a plant from in to out will it flowe right away? Should I change to 18/6 for some time before? how long before? Also, how do you guys like to transport plants, obviously you cant just walk around with them, and...
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    MicRo Grow 2nd try CFL

    Yo holmes! yeah, the sooner you clone the better, keeping in mind you will have to keep the lights on 24/7 to revert your plant to vegging stage, otherwise you will get a little stub of a plant. check out the cloning tutorials on RIU, and clone away. Now, 104 watts is plenty if utilized to its...
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    MicRo Grow 2nd try CFL

    YEAH! Anyone remember "REDMAN's $13.26 grow"? Kingdavid, You got bit by the grow bug. Great 2nd attempt, almost identical my 2nd (this first failed). Simple, If I could offer anything, it would be to ADD MORE LIGHT. As is, you will prob pull a fat 1/2 or 3/4 O, when dried. Double the light...
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    this thread has sort of died, maybe I need to bump it. Just to reiterate, looking for outdoor stealth examples around the house. As far as my espalier idea, it wont work due to cannabis having alternating nodes, meaning you would have to train it in a x rather than along one horizontal plane...
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    Anyone out there familiar with the term Espalier? it is a tech used for growing fruit trees in europe. If anyone out there has ever tried this with our beloved MJ, please share, I am starting to think that it would be great for growing your plant relatively low to the ground but make it capable...
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    thanks for the responses everyone! Lets keep it up, I know there are those of you out there with great photos and great ideas!
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    SO I have been searching the outdoor forum and I see a lot of info on deep woods planting techniques, as well as inconspicuous, not on owner property techniques that grow large plants in remote locations. What I havent seen much of is outdoor "amongst the garden" ideas for personal use, small...
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    to boobie trap or not to boobie trap

    I think paco's weed fortress is the best suggestion. the question was to booby trap or not, I would say not. How much weed are you protecting? Is it worth the legal hassles of injuring someone who is wandering around the woods? If your so inclined to hurt someone for your personal stash, may I...
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    soil depth???

    Hey ll, Im looking for someone out there with enough expierence to tell me how to figure out a minimum soil depth for a given size plant... IE a 16 inch plant needs an x by x osil container in order to staqy healthy, anyone with any knowledge out there would be really helpful!
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    Max Yield Equation

    For your consideration: I think scrogging is probably the best way to spread out your canopy, you could attach 2x2 screens to each individual pot and veg closely with floro's until your screen was 1/2 to 2/3 full. then flip to 12 12 on an hps and flower out. This would help your electricity...
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    Someguys Perpetual Parabolic SCROG Cabinet grow (trying to actually keep a journal)

    so am I to understand that your floro grow space and your hps grow space are housed in the same cabinet? or do you have two sperate cabs with exact same dimensions? I am curious if you or anyone interested in this type of growing would know how to figure out the maximum distance from your bulb...
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    reveg journal

    Here are photos before and after at the end of the first harvest. wet yeild: 70g's, Strain: albino rhino, Two plants, scrogged under 4 24w t5 fixtures, two 2700k and 2 6500k. took about 7 weeks of vegging from seed and 12 weeks of flowering... happy with the result and expect around 3/4 of an...
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    Someguys Perpetual Parabolic SCROG Cabinet grow (trying to actually keep a journal)

    hey mN, VERY NICE GROW! it is an exact blue print of my intentions. I see you refer to your cab size as 14x28...what is the third dimension. how many cubic feet in your cabs and how much air do you move. my question mark key doesnt work, so ignore my lack of proper grammer. also,m what height...
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    How do you harvest and dry if your regenerating?

    Yeah, I have read the regen faq on this website and I Would still like a more in depth description of how to regenerate a plant, whether or not the original size of the plant efects the amount you trim off, what to do if your plant has been topped, fimmed, scroged and the like. any regen pros...
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    Albino rhino ripe?

    Have read all the tutorials, and checked out many ppls pics..think they are almost there? tell me what you think!