Help with indoor to outdoor


Indoor lights are on 24 hrs, outdoor the sun is up for about 13 hours. If I take a plant from in to out will it flowe right away? Should I change to 18/6 for some time before? how long before? Also, how do you guys like to transport plants, obviously you cant just walk around with them, and ideally I would like to pack them in a back pack, but lack containers to do it with. How tall do you usually let your clones get before they go out? Im thinking around 8 inches / 5-6 nodes? anyone who can help please do, thanks in advance.


Active Member
This is tough... If you move them out doors too quickly they will probably go into shock. Also I do believe that it WILL start to flower at 13hr from 24... i would let them grow as big as possible. like a good foot or foot and half then keep them in the shade and work them into the sunlight

peace and nugs


Well-Known Member
yea man if you have a clone and put it out now it will start to flower in about a week or two. i did that last may, i picked up a bubba clone from a dispensery and set it out thinking it would have the rest of the season to veg with the plants from seeds...i was wrong. But i am very curious to know about changing light scheduals to accomodate to the suns hours. I recently read that its a good idea to introduce them to the morning sun and keep them in the shade the in the afternoons for the first week or so.

...i also think you should let the grow as big as possible


Update: Plant was about 16 inches when it went out side in early june. Did nothing for a bit, then started to grow leaves from the growing tips. THE WEIRD THING IS: The leaves first came out singular, than three fingered and then normal, as if the plant REVERTED BACK TO THE SEEDLING STAGE. I waited it out, no hermie and ended up with a cool ounce of berry flavoured blue mystic...not the greatest smoke but no harm done, gets the job done. I didnt do any sort of "building up" to the sun, I just plopped in a relativly shaded part of the garden and voila, mother nature adapts again. Note the plant was from seed, all clones died in the beaming direct sunlight.