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  1. V

    Just harvested Ice. pics!

    Thanks guys, I'm super excited about toking up the cured smoke, I want to do it the right way, 7-10 days drying, 8-10 days burping the cans. Been getting samples, smoke is sweet and it it tastes delicious, leaves a tasty aftertaste in the mouth heh, not sure how else describe it. This was my...
  2. V

    Just harvested Ice. pics!

    Hey guys, just harvested my girls, 4 plants. Three were Ice strand, and one was unknown bagseed. I'm pretty happy with the yield so far, never had to much weed in my life, feel like a freaking Rockefeller!! Stoked with the fact that this is my own growth, toking your own grown-at-home bowl is...
  3. V

    seed gender identification, is it possible?

    Seems far-fetched, but possible...? Interesting.
  4. V

    Already trimmed, now for drying.

    Hang them upside down, I believe that allows the moisture from the rest of the plant to move into the bud for a more even spread. Hang them in a dark, ventilated place. I've also heard it's a benefit if the area is uninsulated, meaning the temp will rise and fall depending of day or night. After...
  5. V

    DONT waste those leaves and stems!

    I have read that THC molecule is non-polar (even electrical charge across the molecule), and non-polar substances don't dissolve well in water because the only polarity can arise from the charge imbalance of the elctronegativity of two oxygen molecules, but that isn't enough given the size of...
  6. V

    sensi skunk 42 days in flowering (picts)

    Nice pics and plants man! Are those trichs considered clear or cloudy? Can't tell.
  7. V

    Quick dry

    I'm in a similar situation, I have my stuff drying right now, and nothing to smoke, so I've been quick drying some buds here and there. What I do is simple, get a paper towel or toilet paper, wrap it around tight the wet bud and put it into the microwave for like 5 -10 seconds. You'll see on the...
  8. V

    seeds shipped to Chicago! Not getting through

    I got a letter from homeland security when I ordered from Nirvana. My advice is if you live in the US, stay away from Nirvana, no refunds, nothing, they don't care if it's busted. I wonder even if they send anything, that site is shit. I know some people get through, but from reading this site...
  9. V

    how to start flowering

    12/12 yep. You're looking for white pistils where branches meet the main stem. If you got little ballsacks, you got a dude. Unless you want seeds, gotta slay the undesirables :)
  10. V

    Is it time to chop yet? pics

    Yeah, there's still a lot of white pistils on the main colas (they're huge, like 12 inches long and FAT) and surrounding branches, although some of the buds on lower branches are what seems like, drying up?? The plants have lost most of its old leafage though, they turned yellow and fell off...
  11. V

    Is it time to chop yet? pics

    Alright man, thanks a lot, I was thinking about chopping it soon but wanted to make sure, better later harvest than too early. Can't wait to toke my OWN smoke, the idea of it is driving me crazy!
  12. V

    What do you guys think?

    Not sure with outdoors, but 1-2 oz per plant is pretty standard I think, given that you're taking care of it :)
  13. V

    Is it time to chop yet? pics

    Sorry don't have a microscope or anything.. What I have are pics! This waiting is killing me, I'm tired of smoking crap weed, want some of my own smoke! :) Went into 12/12 around May 15th, so it's been flowering for 8 weeks now. Do you think it's time to chop? Should I just feed it water now or...
  14. V

    Whats up with this bud?

    You're serious? That looks amazing, smoke that shit, mold doesn't look like that
  15. V

    Early California - 9 Weeks 1 Day - Huge Colla

    Ah man nice stuff, i have 4 plants that are in last week of flowering and the main colas kind of look like that big. How long is it in inches aprox?
  16. V

    My first grow<are my buds too small?

    Is this a joke? Gotta be, those plants are monsters...
  17. V


    Soo.... 14 pags later, what happened in court? I was seething with anger when I read that she let herself in into YOUR apartment, and took pictures of YOUR stuff, regardless whether or not it's weed, it's YOUR shit. That is some bullshit, I don't know why people are saying don't use the video...
  18. V

    when to harvest? pic!

    Nice plants man, those colas look sick
  19. V

    My Harvest Has No Smell???? Pics

    Not sure about the smell, but nice buds! I hope it gets stinkier :)
  20. V

    Ice strand, first growth, how much longer?

    Hi guys, I'm about five weeks into flowering, would like to hear some professional opinions on how much longer to go. I'm guessing it's around 5 since I forgot to log the date I put them into 12/12, but it happened about May 20th or so. My main girl is at about 4'3", the others are areound 4'...