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  1. TheHighSide


    It may even look more yellow with the naked eye. I thought Nitrogen too but then she started showing burns without a change in color. it's been this yellow for about a month now and its not just some of the leaves but the whole plant.
  2. TheHighSide


    I give them all 1ml/L of Bio Grow and half ml/L of Bio Bloom . As well as most micro nutrients . They're entering their 2nd week on 12/12 . i feed them nutes every second watering. Indeed I'm happy it's getting bushier, very :) But Leaves are all wrinkled at the top too and the cola hasn't...
  3. TheHighSide

    Mushroom Grow Journal

    Put love in your grow and they shall reward you a kick ass journey .
  4. TheHighSide

    can you see any signs of male or feamle?

    lol. i just had the same reaction.
  5. TheHighSide


    why is this plant so brightt ? growth in height is slow but it gets bushier and bushier along the sides more than any other plants. i dont kno about the ph but i've flushed the pot 3 times in the past 2 weeks and i haven't been seeing any nutrient def / burn until recently. can this be anything...
  6. TheHighSide

    recent Narc situation. Is it safe to grow again?

    i would say move out start another gro. how did they manage to get to you in the first place ? People from the government came to visit my friend when he had 6 plants by the window, they took it all without filling any papers. they said neighbors called in. he started another grow right away in...
  7. TheHighSide

    Are these hermies

    how depressing is it to find out your daughter turns into a shemale :S i;ll put it out in the yard until it gets too obvious cause i got neighbors. for now im keeping it indoor see if it survives. man i pray for the others to be straight. Thanks for your vote peeps !
  8. TheHighSide

    Are these hermies

    ok here i go again. since i got one vote for female and one for hermie i thought more could reassure me. after reading another thread i just got scared of putting it elsewhere when it is in fact a female. but then im scared of leaving it in case it is a shemale. theyre all from same plant and...
  9. TheHighSide

    Are these hermies

    hmmm bummer.. I do have others in there so I'll separate them now. shove em in a closet or put them by the window in my living room. it can be good decoration
  10. TheHighSide

    Are these hermies

    Must have been millions of these but I was wondering before anything is too late and I'm new so I'm having trouble distinguishing but i;m gettin the feeling that they're going nuts. They're different plants. Hermie or not ?
  11. TheHighSide


    Hahaha I always get the same reaction when I say it. I'm just picky with them pussies .. Let's just say for a week I feel like doing blonds . Then the next week south americans. Then maybe a russian. And eventually, I will get to a period when I want to do those dirty minded asian pussies. Lots...
  12. TheHighSide


    Korean girls vs Japanese girls... hmmm To tell you the truth Asian girls dont turn me on.. anymore..
  13. TheHighSide

    Yield from Plants

    No shit, I'm on my first grow with 8 . Theres more caring than I thought , but i basically live with my plants so I got the time. I don't have the brain though. Pity.
  14. TheHighSide

    Yield from Plants

    True saying. That's what I'm going for ;) QUALITYY
  15. TheHighSide

    God Bud and Mango Bud pics leaf questions

    I'm looking for mango seeds actually... lucky you. I find mango was the most pleasant smoke ever. so sticky and sweet and... well, tastes like mango. And sorry dude but I don't have enough experience to comment on your question..
  16. TheHighSide

    Just picked two new strains up, anyone ever try these? *pics*

    Man I've encountered this Affie , saw it somewhere on a catalog or on a website. I remember reading its info and the picture got me down on the floor. Never had the chance to smoke it. It sure does look insane.
  17. TheHighSide

    Does this cola look okay!

    It's chasing the dragon :o
  18. TheHighSide


    I guess Hydro can be seen as an improved way of growing. Especially for me who has no understanding of it. Yet. The thing in Japan is, any drug, from weed to meth has a bad image. Not as in you're a pothead or a crackhead, but they see you as a drug addict in general. Since they have less...
  19. TheHighSide

    BioBizz anyone ?

    It's like those 100% fruit juice . Or wait, are they saying 100% Top quality. They sure have confidence. Organic or not it still stinks so flush flush.
  20. TheHighSide

    BioBizz anyone ?

    SHe'S HOTT !! Aurora B, it's in my head now.