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  1. UnknownGrowerr

    Couple Questions

    It was 45 this morning were I live and my plant is just fine, IMO you should start woring when it gets close to 32, My plant is part Northern Lights so genetics might play a role in the hardiness of your plant.
  2. UnknownGrowerr


    Well from my experience nitrogen deficiency start from the bottom and works it's way to the top. I used a product called "Jack's Classic Orchid Special" the break down is 30-10-10. I would mix 1/2 tablespoon to 1 gallon of water. When they were young, less then a 6 inches tall I fed them once...
  3. UnknownGrowerr

    still not flowering!!!

    Im growing the G13 labs Northern Lights x Skunk and from what I read after buying this strain is that G13 Labs are not the best seed suppliers to deal with. I live in the mid west and my plant is growing great but as of today all I see is a few white hairs on each top, so no flowers yet. Frost...
  4. UnknownGrowerr

    Need Help, Question about flowering and finishing

    Its my first outdoor grow, I started the plant indoors around February 15 2013 and I placed it outside in the second week of June so its had 16 week of veg. growth indoors and i guessing 8 weeks outdoors, so its has had plenty of time to grow. But winter is coming and soon I will have frost, It...
  5. UnknownGrowerr

    First timer, need held determining sex

    They need to put these 2 pics on the front page, It would help a lot of people determine there plants sex
  6. UnknownGrowerr


    Once you switch to bloom nutrients you also haft to also remember the plant still needs nitrogen to continue nice green growth.
  7. UnknownGrowerr

    Strain & sex ?

    Definitely Indica you can tell by the wide fan leaves, Its to young yet to show sex wait longer if its a male you will see pollen sacks forming, if its a female you will see a little white hair. Hope the info helps
  8. UnknownGrowerr

    Outdoor pest control??

    Well Ive been reading all these hoer stories on the forums about all the insects that enjoy eating your plants and I've taking advanced action so when I have folly formed flowers I hope to not have the pest. I'm using a product by Bonide called Captain Jacks Dead Bug, I have mixed it 2...
  9. UnknownGrowerr

    What is hapening with my plant?

    How large of a pot to you have the plant in? How often do you water and how much? without any nutrients in the soil the plant wont grow it evidently will start to turn a off green color and start to die. And if your growing outside it needs to be under the sun the whole day, in the pic to me it...
  10. UnknownGrowerr

    How Much Water Should I Give My Outdoor Plants

    Thus far I have watered and fertilized once a week, My formula has been 1 gallon of water for every 3 gallons of dirt. You want water to spread thru the dirt as even as possible that way you get healthy root growth, But you want the soil to dry so the roots get oxygen. You will learn pretty...
  11. UnknownGrowerr

    Plants starting to enter Flower - How should i feed?

    Well I'm new to marijuana growing, but I tried some of the Advanced Nutrients the hobbyist pack with the Sensi grow fro the veg stage and the Sensi bloom for the flowering phase. I'm just getting to the pre-flowering phase and for shits and giggles every time I feed my marijuana plant, I also...
  12. UnknownGrowerr

    Newb Question about preflowering.

    Hello everyone, It my first time growing a marijuana plant but I am a avid gardener, I grow lots of vegetables every year I understand how I need to feed my vegetable plants but the marijuana plant is a little different. I am using the hobbyist level of advanced nutrient with the Sensi A&B veg &...
  13. UnknownGrowerr

    HELP!!!!! Sick weed plant 7 months. I NEED HELP!!

    Um, how do you let a plant get, I'm sorry I cant be leave what I'm seeing. I don't no if I would even try to consomme that plant might get brain damage.
  14. UnknownGrowerr

    Can i force flower my female?

    When I was ALOT younger I tried to force a plant into flowering, I would put it in bedroom closet for 12 hours then put outside for 12 hours the only issue I had was all my clothes stated to wreak really bad. And my mother started to ask a lot of questions
  15. UnknownGrowerr

    found some plants growing by my house..

    I thought that what a guerrilla grow was all about, A individual planting on someone elses property so if there found by the law the individual dose not get the blame the land owner dose
  16. UnknownGrowerr

    Mulching:Down With Naked Soil

    Yes this sounds like something to try the only issue is depending on where you live and the humidity levels, covering up the top lair of soil can promote mold growth. I personally don't have a large grow so water evaporation isn't a issue I figure the more I haft to water the more time I spend...
  17. UnknownGrowerr

    Marijuana Seeds

    I ordered from Attitude seeds at the beginning of the year, I received my order on the 10th day. For being my first time ordering seeds off the internet I was vary happy with the transaction. I would highly recommend Attitude to anyone who lives in the states.