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  1. C

    4th cfl grow...almost done!

    I haven't been able to smoke for 14 years, but I love the smell. My wife gets some real bad migranes and it helps her a lot. I do miss it and look forward to when I can once again smoke my own.
  2. C

    4th cfl grow...almost done!

    It sure smells good. I wish I could smoke it, but my job doesn't allow it, but my wife will appreciate it.
  3. C

    4th cfl grow...almost done!

    Going to harvest tomorrow morning before the lights come on. The very top cola looks like it could use a little more time but the rest of it is ready to come up! I'm thinking at least 2 oz. More pics tomorrow.
  4. C

    Starting to sell, here is my situation...

    Go to the Army recruiter. He will help you get your GED. Seriously. You don't want to start off in life with a felony, it will fuck your life up forever. Prison is full of dudes just like you who got caught with a couple of ounces in their pockets with intent to sell. I'm too smart, I won't get...
  5. C

    276w of CFL's

    Looking good.
  6. C

    4th cfl grow...almost done!

    I flushed it real good 2 weeks ago. I thought I was less than a week to harvest, but when I looked at these pics I was thinking that they need some more time, maybe 2 weeks, so I gave them 1 last watering with just distilled water.
  7. C

    Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

    I have done 4 grows using Buds for Less as a template. I have added a Sunleaves high output tube. I have had great results. I get at least an oz of high guality dense buds per plant. The most I got was a little over 2 oz from 1 plant. I just posted some pics from my latest grow. Feel free to...
  8. C

    4th cfl grow...almost done!

    I sprouted them (3) with 1 Sunleaves Sunrise TT96 high output tube. As they got larger, I added my other TT96, and I used those to veg. I have vegged before with just the CFLs with similar results. I just find it easier to use the tubes. When I am ready to start budding, I add my CFLs. I use GE...
  9. C

    4th cfl grow...almost done!

    Amsterdam Indica from seed. Should be done in about a week. Hoping for at least an ounce. Thanks Budsforless!
  10. C

    166w rubbermaid Bonanza

    This looks great! A couple of questions;1) Is that a fan lying at the bottom of the box? 2) How do you secure the boxes together? Is it hinged, or does it just sit on top? I have a few plants in seedling and am going to set this up. I guess I have another question, is painting the inside...
  11. C

    Amsterdam Indica CFL. First Journal

    I also forgot to mention that I have learned a lot from RIU, I spend at least an hour a day on it. I am not real computer savvy so besides adding pics, if there is anything I could do to make this a better journal let me know. Thanks, Capt. Bud
  12. C

    Amsterdam Indica CFL. First Journal

    I germinated the 3 and placed them in the soil gave them a light watering, covered them with clear, plastic cups and flipped on the lights and have my fingers crossed for girls.
  13. C

    Amsterdam Indica CFL. First Journal

    Hey all, will post pics when my wife shows me how to, but here we go. This is my second grow, first grow went pretty well from seeds that I bought from amsterdam seed bank. I am using techniques I got from Seemorebuds, and Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes. I use the paper towel method...
  14. C

    Doing the Greenback Laundry

    def an all cash business, get yourself a laundromat if you can. Also a good one is buy a run down house in a nice neighborhood, I know, real estate is crap right now, but I'm talking a real junker in a great hood. then fix it up paying cash for everything.