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  1. Pothead32

    First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

    Haaaa haaaa, I forgot all about that:lol:
  2. Pothead32

    Repeling squirrels and rabbits without physical barriers???

    Let me know how that garlic and pepper works Sonar. I was thinking the exact same thing. I was reading the labels of some store repelants and they all had garlic in them.
  3. Pothead32

    New guerrilla growing documentary, gotta see this one!

    Damn guys, I'm sorry it aint playing for you. Try going to and typing in The Green Rush in they're search thing and see if you can get to it that way. Let me know if that works. I'll keep searching the internet for an alternative site to watch it. Edit: Try this...
  4. Pothead32

    New guerrilla growing documentary, gotta see this one!

    I was just over on Hulu and I came across a new documentary called "The Green Rush" about some northern California growers. These guys are good! Check it out here
  5. Pothead32

    Repeling squirrels and rabbits without physical barriers???

    Thanks everyone, +rep to all of you...
  6. Pothead32

    Outdoor Grow -Season _1

    A 1 foot wide hole should be okay as long as the surrounding soil is not total crap.
  7. Pothead32

    Sik's Perpetual CFL grow

    How bout an update Sik? How are the girls doin?
  8. Pothead32

    Repeling squirrels and rabbits without physical barriers???

    Hey guy's, I went out today to dig the rest of my holes for this years guerrilla grow and I discovered that all of the holes that I dug last weekend were dug up by some nosy animal. Luckily I didn't have any plants in them. I was wondering if there are any tricks to repel them without using...
  9. Pothead32

    Outdoor Grow -Season _1

    Videos are always good. "Wheres Waldo's Bud" has a thread for his first grow and he is doing the video thing too. I was thinking of doing that myself but I spent all my cash on supplies for my grow and can't afford a video camera now lol.
  10. Pothead32

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    It was kinda nice my way today. I figured I would get those last holes dug cause we are in for a few days of rain the next few days.
  11. Pothead32

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Well, I went out to dig the rest of my holes tonight. Glad that is finally done! When I got there I discovered that ALL of the holes I dug last weekend were dug up by some nosy critter of some sort. Even a garbage bag that I had some of my supplies in stashed under a tree was ripped open. I'm...
  12. Pothead32

    First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

    Listen to your gut and use common sense. You know your particular situation better than anyone Waldo and only you will know when the best time will be to return to your spots. Don't be overly paranoid, just be careful. Make sure you take that fishing pole with you again and maby a tackle box...
  13. Pothead32

    my raised beds,new pics,painted

    Those are some beautiful plants Sodalite, you must be a very proud Dad lol
  14. Pothead32

    easy way to deal with slugs w pics

    Good idea Sodalite, I got some old wire lying around here somewhere.
  15. Pothead32

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    From everything I have read Mandala has some quality genetics so im sure we won't be disappointed. I would like to give Satori a try sometime too.
  16. Pothead32

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Hey Hic, what do you have from Mandala? I have 8 Miles High as part of my grow this year...
  17. Pothead32

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Hey BF, sounds like you have a good plan. When you said the temps were around 0-15 degrees I assume you were referring to celcius right?
  18. Pothead32

    Outdoor Grow -Season _1

    Lookin good man. I haven't seen anybody clone in soil in a while. Looks like it worked out good for you.
  19. Pothead32

    my raised beds,new pics,painted

    You are right Sodalite, working out there and knowing what the outcome will be in the end is a good feeling. That sense of accomplishment is what it's all about (and the nice sticky buds at the end is nice too:weed:)