Search results

  1. Toke_The_Smoke

    don't buy gas on may 15

    Talking about abbreviations. SARS, Severe Acute Respitory Syndrome. Severe and Acute are more or less the same, but nobody wanted to be diagnosed with ARS.
  2. Toke_The_Smoke

    don't buy gas on may 15

    There is plenty enough evidence that the Iraq war was not a search for WOMD, the fact that none were found and that they are still there is the biggest clue. My favorite tidbit on the whole debacle is that they -suspected- that Iraq had WOMD and went in guns blazing, but when North Korea...
  3. Toke_The_Smoke

    Can you find my treetop grow? Pictures

    My opinion is that alot of the problems you are experiencing is down to pests, perhaps including the hermie change. They could be stressing your plants and causing them to turn. And i am still pretty certain that the critter you described is a mealie/mealy bug and they are notorious cannabis...
  4. Toke_The_Smoke

    How Not To Grow Dope

    I found it all the more amusing because alot, but not all, of those thoughts had run through my head when i first decided to grow. Thankfully i had some basic botanical knowledge and , but of course, Rollitup which has been a massive help in terms of knowledge and amusement.
  5. Toke_The_Smoke

    Medical cannabis

    With regards to bag seed, in all my years in England i have only ever got one seed. I think the dealers here remove any seeds beforehand so that there is no competition in terms of supply. Just one of my many paranoid theories. As for pain relief i have found,for back pain in particular, that...
  6. Toke_The_Smoke

    Your Lighting Systems.

    All fine and well but it's a long flight to walmart from London. Just trying to get some specs on the lighting so i know what i need to look for, anybody suggest Grolux lights?
  7. Toke_The_Smoke

    Your Lighting Systems.

    About what wattage should i be looking at for the CFLs?
  8. Toke_The_Smoke

    Your Lighting Systems.

    OK i'm looking to invest a bit of money in some new lighting but was wondering if i could get some pictures of your lighting systems? I have very limited space and i'm looking for low heat output. Could you suggest some brand names or some specifics. I'm only looking to grow two plants at a time...
  9. Toke_The_Smoke

    Why Be A Guest, Be A Member!

    I sorta already think that the cops in my area are aware that i'm growing but i'm doing it on such a small scale, through lack of space, that it is not worth the money it would cost to arrange a raid. Especially as there are the Vietnamese,nearby, growing on an industrial scale, i'm talking 5...
  10. Toke_The_Smoke

    Why Be A Guest, Be A Member!

    I hardly think they are concerned with the small grower, growing for personal use, when they have crack dealers on the corners. At least that's what i keep telling myself when i'm paranoid.
  11. Toke_The_Smoke

    How Not To Grow Dope

    I'm very much toasted and feeling alot like a marshmallow but that was comedy genius. I demand more, if that should fail i beg humbly.
  12. Toke_The_Smoke

    Why Be A Guest, Be A Member!

    Well i felt reassured when joining up, "By clicking the agree button you confirm that you do not work or are associated with any government agency, and information obtained through this site will be inadmissible in a court of law." It's small things like that that put the paranoid inside at...
  13. Toke_The_Smoke

    How Many Is Too Many?

    Actually that hasn't been a problem at all, the smell is very faint. I bought the seeds specifically because the strain was one that emitted low amounts of odour without taking any of the quality smoke out of it. Are there any other ways to disguise the heat signature?
  14. Toke_The_Smoke

    Sprouts wont appear

    On my first attempt at a grow i watered as much as you did and it took me two weeks to dicover that this was no good, so i repotted and within 2 days my plant had begun to grow.
  15. Toke_The_Smoke

    How Many Is Too Many?

    Sadly i share the house with those that might not approve of my personal hobbie, so it's confined to the closet never to see daylight..untill it is harvested and smoked at my liesure. Man i'm baked.
  16. Toke_The_Smoke

    whats a vaporizer

    A vaporiser as in an instrument which vaporises your MJ so that you might inhale 100% of the smoke? As long as you can roll i'm sure you don't need one, although they can be fun.
  17. Toke_The_Smoke

    How Many Is Too Many?

    Basically i want to know how many plants i can grow before it gives off significant enough heat for it to interest helicopters that fly over on a regular basis? And how can i minimise the heat detectable? My first attempt at growing is currently on the third floor of a house i live in,it's...
  18. Toke_The_Smoke

    Omg Bud Rot On My White Widow!?

    The only other thing i can think of that makes a cottony substance is mealie bugs, not sure if that effects marijuana plants though. Do a google search on mealie bugs and check the pics to see if it is. Hope this helps.
  19. Toke_The_Smoke

    What is this...

    Depends on what type of person your dad is, if he is the have a laugh type of person you should talk to him and maybe you can convince him to share :p
  20. Toke_The_Smoke

    Omg Bud Rot On My White Widow!?

    You might want to examine it more closely, where there is one there is usually more.Not sure what you can do to correct the problem but i'm pretty certain your gonna find more. And from what i have read on plants it sounds like mites, at least the cotton bit does.