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  1. Toke_The_Smoke

    What is this...

    That looks like it is smokeable to me.
  2. Toke_The_Smoke

    Lighting problem and possible room problem

    You seem to be in the exact same situation as i am, but i agree with previous comments. Put the grow on hold till you can get better lighting, the bonus is that depending on the light you get your likely to get less heat and thus have less to worry about in terms of fire.That and a better...
  3. Toke_The_Smoke

    First grow with pics, comments welcome

    Well if your time is limited, why not harvest just before moving? Ideally you would wait but needs must, obviously if you wait the extra time your going to get a better yield.
  4. Toke_The_Smoke

    Disaster strikes

    praise be to the wisdom of fdd2blk, and my spirits have been raised again. What i mean to say is thanks =)
  5. Toke_The_Smoke

    Disaster strikes

    While trying to botch together a better lighting system (very limited space) i dropped the light and it took out almost all the leaves down on side of my plant. My question, will this have any negative effects on the plant? As it is, it is a very lanky plant with sparse leaf cover. It is my...
  6. Toke_The_Smoke

    Nongreenthumbs Great Seed Scam Exposed!!!

    I must say i agree with th3bigbad, if they were aware of the price at the start and were willing to pay whatever price was agreed upon than the fault lies with them surely? You can only charge them what they are willing to pay, as far as a can see there was no deception and therefore no ripping off.
  7. Toke_The_Smoke

    buying seeds

    As far as i know it's not illegal to buy seeds, it's only the growing of the seeds that is frowned upon by the uniform clad buzzkillers. As for buying seeds online might i suggest the link under your post?
  8. Toke_The_Smoke

    First time grower, First time poster.

    Out of curiousity, is it worth smoking male plants? I've heard various people telling me different things, some insist that although it's not as good as a female (obviously) it's still worth smoking. Others have demonised the male plant and insist that it should be burnt at the stake, whilst not...