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  1. Billybob NewGrower

    Please take a look at these pictures, nute burn? under/over water?

    My plants have been in soil about 4 weeks. At first they grew very slowly (I think it was too cold) then they took off. But in the last few days the edges of the leaves have turned yellow/brown. After doing some research I decided to post pictures to get an expert opinion on my plants...
  2. Billybob NewGrower

    I have to leave for 2 days, what is the best thing to do?

    I meant to mention in my original post that I don't have a timer..I am just going to leave them under the lights and hope for the best.Thanks everyone!
  3. Billybob NewGrower

    I have to leave for 2 days, what is the best thing to do?

    I am leaving town for two days. I have 14 plants on an 18/6 light cycle. I have to leave town tomorrrow about the time the "sun" goes down. Should I just leave the lights on the entire time I am gone? Thanks in advance!:-P
  4. Billybob NewGrower

    What should I expect when I transfer to larger pots???

    I just transferred my plants from dixie cups to large pots. What should I expect to see immediately at this point? All input appreciated and thank you in advance!
  5. Billybob NewGrower

    I overwatered my plants, now what?

    OK thanks. I planted them on Feb 25 after germinating the paper towel method for two days. All of the seedlings were about an inch long and all 15 of my seeds have sprouted....But like I said the tallest one is about 3". I have 5 plants of one strain and 10 of another. The 5 are all about 3"...
  6. Billybob NewGrower

    Calling all (any) Experts! Is there something wrong with this plant?

    Good point there!It's about 68 degrees in my house now would you recommend I turn my heat up some? I have no space heater, though I could light a candle in there.
  7. Billybob NewGrower

    I overwatered my plants, now what?

    Thanks MsBBB. Any insight on the height of my plants? Too short? Just right? Am I just panicking because I am learning?
  8. Billybob NewGrower

    Calling all (any) Experts! Is there something wrong with this plant?

    That could be it! We had a cold front come through and my house takes on the temp of the outside pretty well because its an old house. I have my grow set up in my closet and the temp in the house probably was down to 60 or so before I turned the heat on.
  9. Billybob NewGrower

    I overwatered my plants, now what?

    Thanks a lot gastanker. I moved my fan a little closer to the plants. They have 5 more hours and I won't water them again until the soil is completely dry. I'm worred that my plants are a little too short for their age. They are 3" at the tallest (most are shorter). But I bought Lowryder, which...
  10. Billybob NewGrower

    Calling all (any) Experts! Is there something wrong with this plant?

    I had been watering every other day since I planted them after germinating them for 2 days. Yesterday I just gave each plant a little more water than I had been. I gave them each about 25ml. Should I continue my dark cycle today? They have already been in the dark for about an hour.
  11. Billybob NewGrower

    I overwatered my plants, now what?

    Thanks. Sorry I wasn't getting much response over there at the time so I thought I posted in the wrong place. Should I continue with my dark cycle today?
  12. Billybob NewGrower

    Calling all (any) Experts! Is there something wrong with this plant?

    Also, I'm using two Phillip t12 flourescents 40 watt, cool white.
  13. Billybob NewGrower

    Calling all (any) Experts! Is there something wrong with this plant?

    I planted them as seedlings after I germinated them on Feb 25. So however many days that is is how old they are. Thanks everyone!
  14. Billybob NewGrower

    I overwatered my plants, now what?

    I seemingly overwatered yesterday. I did intentionally give them more water than I had been because the soil was always very dry all the way down each time I watered and I figured they needed to at least still be a little moist at the bottom. So my question is this. My plants dark cycle just...
  15. Billybob NewGrower

    Calling all (any) Experts! Is there something wrong with this plant?

    So a few more are drooping now in the same manner...are my plants dying? They are in a dark mode too. I am doing 18/6 cycle and the 6 hours of dark starts at 9 a.m. each day so I figured it best to continue with that... Anybody? Is there something I should do? Or is the "something" I do...
  16. Billybob NewGrower

    Calling all (any) Experts! Is there something wrong with this plant?

    I had been watering every other day before yesterday and it just felt really dry all the way down so I thought I would give them some more. But today the soil is a little more moist than it would typically be on a non-watering day. I assumed that meant I had given them a proper amount of water?
  17. Billybob NewGrower

    Calling all (any) Experts! Is there something wrong with this plant?

    These plants will be two weeks old on Friday. All of them are very green but I have a few (about 3 of 15) that have leaves that are drooping down. The others about 12 of the 15 the leaves are going straight out and are looking good. I should mention that yesterday I watered all of my plants a...
  18. Billybob NewGrower

    BillyBob's First Grow-Lowryder & El Monstre F2

    Does anyone know when I should transfer to larger pots?
  19. Billybob NewGrower

    When do I transfer from dixie cups to larger pots?

    The title speaks for itself. I've had my plants in dixie cups for a week tomorrow. They are all about 3-4" high. I know it's not quite time yet, but when do I know when it is time? Thanks.