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  1. MFAGRAD009

    first time grow

    well i think the stem rot got the best of me again. the stem is real thin and BLACK. i tried 2 cap fulls of h2o2 and also have a fan in with the plant and also placed the paper cover over the pod. i dont know what else to do. my first plant is fine though growing strong and healthy...
  2. MFAGRAD009

    Aerogrow by ballin420 pics included.

    keep us updated on those pic i have an aerogarden pro spacesaver and mine is working great. my babys are 5 weeks old just started to flower 3 days ago check em out
  3. MFAGRAD009

    first time grow

    h2o2 won't fuck up my other plant will it? that one is going strong and healthy. about how much should i add? and i dont want to shock it to bad with ice so how would i cool the water down?
  4. MFAGRAD009

    first time grow

    its been 12 hours later and the stem is getting thinner and thinner with faint black. should i let it go and see if it lives or would it be better to cut it down and try to clone it and save it
  5. MFAGRAD009

    first time grow

    i just put labels over them now do you think this will help it looks like it has gotten worst as time pass.
  6. MFAGRAD009

    first time grow

    so im at 1 month 5 days and i have noticed stem rot again???? can someone help out here before it is to late i dont want to loose another plant for stupid shit
  7. MFAGRAD009

    first time grow

    hello everyone this is my first grow ever. everything seems good i had 3 plants but 1 dies of stem rot. the plants are 4 weeks old today just 1 thing can anyone help me out with that little bit of yellow on the leaf in the last pic i will keep pic comming
  8. MFAGRAD009

    What about the aerogardens?

    just a small update. the clone i tried to save no good.... dead.... oh well not the worst but have 2 strong plants now around 12 in tall. i just femed my tallest plant witch was toped once will set to flower in 2 or 3 weeks unsure how the outcome will be but i will upload pic as soon as...
  9. MFAGRAD009

    What about the aerogardens?

    I just bought one of those a month ago from target. this is my first time growing. i put 6 seeds unknow what kind (out of shwag) and had 3 sprout. they took off like mad!! in 3 weeks they were 10 in tall. all i did was use the packet it came with set on GARDEN GREEN and added water and...
  10. MFAGRAD009

    Welcome New Members!

    hello everyone just found this page and i have to say, it really helped out. i am new to growing and just bought the aerogarden spacesaver pro. so far the unit has proven itself to me. i started with 3 that sprouted and 3 took off like a rocket. at 3 weeks over a foot tall but than week 4...