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  1. mayhem01

    Grow Journal to help me remember...

    I would like to learn cloning. Can anyone tell me if I practice on a friends Male, Will it be the same as Female? Also, if I tried branches off a maple or oak etc. is that the same principle? if anyone is listening...
  2. mayhem01

    Grow Journal to help me remember...

    Today...Temps/RH% are, 79/52 when I walked in. pH running low 7's. Soil Moisture is 5 (1) and 5.5(2) No pic's yet. Camera was running time-lapse photo's all night, and now the Battery is dead...
  3. mayhem01

    Grow Journal to help me remember...

    Additional details. Temp H/L 80/72. RH% H/L 63/40. I have a timer set to 18/6. Is 400w too much? Should I put it far away or Use flourescents for now? Have to do some research.
  4. mayhem01

    Grow Journal to help me remember...

    First grow attempt. They are a week old. Just found this site, and what a grow journal is. I always forget little things. This will hopefully help.FFOF soil grow. Watered W/FF Big Bloom today. Tied string to stem Today. Going to try LST. I have a large Room available 12X10X7. The height seems to...