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  1. D

    3 day vacation

    I'm going to be gone from friday to sunday and my plants will not be tended to. I plan on watering them right before I leave, but will they survive that long without it? Freshly sprouted out of the ground, so they are YOUNG, which is why I am concerned.
  2. D

    Dire Emergency!!

    I had them on a screen porch, but somehow that critter managed to get up there, tore into the pots and everything. I found this one buried under all the dirt. Just sucks to have to start over. I'll probably plant it anyway, guess it wouldnt hurt to try
  3. D

    Dire Emergency!!

    So my baby plants, and i mean baby like only a week out of the ground, were mauled by a vicious armadillo :cuss:last night. So they are destroyed, or so i thought! I found this one (picture below) and the root is still strong but i dont know how recent the attack happened. I need to know if...
  4. D

    Best way to control animals?

    Yea i just woke up to a missing outside nursery. All my baby plants were eaten down to the ROOT, nothing to salvage. Here is to waiting with a loaded 12 gauge for those little bastards.
  5. D

    resin IS man's best friend

    dude smoke that shit, it is awesome, just have a drink at hand for the taste
  6. D

    Does anyone get high anymore???

    If you don't smoke at least 17 times a day, you aren't getting high
  7. D

    resin IS man's best friend

    HIGH AS HELL right now off of resin. Anyone else enjoy resin or just me? ive personally smoked a resin blunt before, twas awesome
  8. D

    First time growing

    Also how bad are deer, armadillo's, opossums and such on baby plants ?
  9. D

    First time growing

    Why is it to never use miracle gro? Ive always seen where people say don't use it just never understood why
  10. D

    First time growing

    Sounds good, there are a couple of garden supply centers around that might have what you mentioned. The seeds i used are from a sack of mids that smoked alright, but hoping mother nature and a green thumb will improve on that.
  11. D

    First time growing

    Dude thanks for tips. Any idea where i can find some of the stuff you suggested? Like i said I'm in the boonies and the closest store is Wal-Mart, and I can't find anthing there that doesn't start with Miracle or doesn't end in Gro. I don't trust my best friends with this info, so no worry...
  12. D

    First time growing

    Also what would be the best organic fert to mix in with my existing soil? The existing soil is already rich, full of life (earthworms) and drains really well, just looking for a little extra kick to juice it up.
  13. D

    First time growing

    What's up rollitup forum! I'm new here as a member, but not as an avid reader. I've been an everyday toker since i was 15, (6 years ago) but I'm ready to step up and grow. I live in the boondocks, closest town is 20 minutes and closest neighbor is a mile away, and they're family. I have a...