First time growing

What's up rollitup forum! I'm new here as a member, but not as an avid reader. I've been an everyday toker since i was 15, (6 years ago) but I'm ready to step up and grow. I live in the boondocks, closest town is 20 minutes and closest neighbor is a mile away, and they're family. I have a perfect grow spot in the woods, a good clearing that can get up to 14 hours of sunlight a day (I've timed it). Since the spot is close to me and away from all roads, and the only way to get to it is through a path only I know, so security is not a problem. My seedlings sprouted after 2 days, and are currently a week old.
If any of you growing sages could help me in my quest to produce my first personal yield, I would be very grateful. I must reiterate that I am a newbie, so fertilizer, pesticides, pH, all that is relatively unknown to me.
I have not planted my sprouts in the ground yet, they are in some plastic cups right now, and I did not intend to plant for another week, as I am still clearing the area of weeds, roots and other unwanted guests. I have been watering every 2 days. The picture below is all three, with the farthest to the right being the youngest (about 3 days behind the other two). Thanks to anyone who takes time to read this.


Also what would be the best organic fert to mix in with my existing soil? The existing soil is already rich, full of life (earthworms) and drains really well, just looking for a little extra kick to juice it up.


Well-Known Member
Ok starting right..I'm a 62 yo been growing out door's 22 year's and am indoor are proceding right so far ...amend your soil 24 " deep if you can..otherwise get bag's of soil and cut hole in middle for plant and lay on kinda prepared soil (will work good) weed's pulled and slightly loosened...amend if not so root;s drain good they hate there feet wet! Use mycorrihazze when you plant for root strength and big bud's!!plan your grow with date's and keep record's....water as necessary try to catch and use rain water..grow slow and steady..use nute's only when needed..don't over water and spray sns for bug's soon after planting! have mighty wash on hand in any case...sns anti mold spray before flowering for a trouble free grow be pro active not re active!! keep area clean and neet old leave's areharbor's for pests and mold/fungus!! read all you can and watch them closely!! daily!!tell no one!!! or you will never see the crop finish!!believe me!! one close friend tell's should be looking at much better result's than my ghetto cheap ass grow! Plan and plan and go over every bad senerio!! don't be caught with your pant's dorwn..or nicker's in a bunch!! ha ha jack..see pic i speak from the heart and only the truth my brother!!View attachment 2223479View attachment 22234906-19-12LSD and G13haze 19 day's left 004.jpgBud won't fit in pic 3 week's left!!LSD.jpg
Dude thanks for tips. Any idea where i can find some of the stuff you suggested? Like i said I'm in the boonies and the closest store is Wal-Mart, and I can't find anthing there that doesn't start with Miracle or doesn't end in Gro. I don't trust my best friends with this info, so no worry there, and the area I will be planting in is already cleared of all weeds and the soil is nice and loose going about 2 feet down, I just need an organic fert to mix in while I am waiting to transplant. I live in the deep south as well so starting in late June should be alright for me.


Well-Known Member
Irish>>>>awesome yes give me a little time and I will get that info for you my friend...I'm in the stick's also...If you need something you can't get i"ll send it to ya..jack
Sounds good, there are a couple of garden supply centers around that might have what you mentioned. The seeds i used are from a sack of mids that smoked alright, but hoping mother nature and a green thumb will improve on that.


Well-Known Member
Irish>>>Some of my best seed's are from mid's what you grow does not resemble the shit you smoked...not apples to will be far superior!! Genetic's are everything but...condition's to get the best she can do are two different horses!!jack


Well-Known Member
Dude thanks for tips. Any idea where i can find some of the stuff you suggested? Like i said I'm in the boonies and the closest store is Wal-Mart, and I can't find anthing there that doesn't start with Miracle or doesn't end in Gro. I don't trust my best friends with this info, so no worry there, and the area I will be planting in is already cleared of all weeds and the soil is nice and loose going about 2 feet down, I just need an organic fert to mix in while I am waiting to transplant. I live in the deep south as well so starting in late June should be alright for me.
You can get some good organic soil at wal mart.. anything generic and organic is good. No Miracle Gro tho. Also for like 5 bucks at wally world u can get a bag of perlite. mix all that together with the ground soil and you should be good.