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  1. C

    Small Closet Grow Set Up's

    alrite yeah its gonna cost me 120 for the 400 watt hps light but i was mainly just wondering if you guys think my set up would work
  2. C

    Small Closet Grow Set Up's

    Hello anyone out there?
  3. C

    Small Closet Grow Set Up's

    ok and everyones now silent ?
  4. C

    Small Closet Grow Set Up's

  5. C

    Small Closet Grow Set Up's

    alrite cool and so i should switch the lights to 12/12 about a month into it so i was thinking ima get like a metal bookshelf kinda u know and hang some florescent lights from the top and have some seeds in some rock wool underneath it and keep it on 20/4 than about a month into it ima move the...
  6. C

    Small Closet Grow Set Up's

    also it says the flowering process is 7-9 weeks does that mean ima have weed to smoke in about 7-9 weeks after planting lol sorry i know i sound totaly retarded im not new to smoking or anything lol and i have grown before but just not all that successful and im trien to grow some decent stuff...
  7. C

    Small Closet Grow Set Up's

    is it often they turn hermie? and during the veg process would u guys say giving it 18/6 is better or 24/0 better?
  8. C

    Small Closet Grow Set Up's

    k guys thanks about how long does the plant veg before it goes into the flowering process? im gonna get some northern lights seed off nirvana and it says the flowering period is 7-9 weeks ? also if i buy feminized seeds than do they bud on there own or do i have to clone it to get the plant to...
  9. C

    Small Closet Grow Set Up's

    thanks yeah i know of there i can get one for like 20 bucks actually but do i just use that one light all the way from a seed to harvest? and how much light should i give it a day ?
  10. C

    Small Closet Grow Set Up's

    hey guys as the title says im trying to grow in a closet its good sized but not super huge im just starting out and would like an idea / list of inexpensive lights/etc to get for a small space but still get a decent crop sumthing to help get me started than once i yeild a few crops and can move...