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  1. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    the plants are looking good. the two grape ape are going nuts right now. one sour diesel is growing slowly but surely but the other one is starting to dry out. the leaves are starting to curl up and get crisp and turn brown. i thought it was heat burn but not i think that one plant may have a...
  2. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    i looked on the bag and could not find the pH of the soil. i already watered the plants today. both grape ape plants took 5 cups of 7.3 water and both sour diesel plants took 4 cups of 7.3 water. i watered the plants until water came out the bottoms of the pots. i plan on putting the plants on...
  3. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    i just got back from the store after getting a pH test kit. what pH should i get my water to before watering today? 7.4?6.8? the soil i'm using is miracle grow moisture control.
  4. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    alright will do. does it matter even though i'm using miracle grow moisture control?
  5. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    any suggestions on watering? should i continue watering every other day giving the plants a cup of water or something else?
  6. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    today i watered each plant with one cup of water. i took picture of each individual plant so its easier to see their progress. the grape ape clones seems to be growing much more than the sour diesel clones. and one sour diesel clone seems to be suffering from burn spots. the first two plants are...
  7. zjinternational

    Swisher vs Optimo

    buy packs of optimos and they will be fresh.
  8. zjinternational

    Swisher vs Optimo

    dutchmasters are too expensive and a little too big in my eyes for a regular blunt. garcia y vega and swishers are the ways to go.
  9. zjinternational

    Swisher vs Optimo

    you should try an optimo because i think they burn slower than swishers. i have recently been using garcia y vega cigarillos and they have been burning extremely slow.
  10. zjinternational

    Swisher vs Optimo

    which is a better wrap that burns slower? does anyone know this or is this just personal preference? what is the slowest burning wrap out on the market?
  11. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    today i got four more lights which makes a total of 8 42W cfls. i also watered each plant with about a cup of water today. the two plants on the left are grape ape(the second picture) and the two plants on the right are sour diesel(the third picture). anymore suggestions?
  12. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    i just noticed in my buds for less book he uses 8 42W warm whites for the whole growing process, for both vegging and flowering. could i just get some more 42W warm whites to save some money and use them for both the vegging and flowering phases or would it be better to get some cool whites?
  13. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    off to the store tomorrow to get the cool whites i saw at home depot earlier. i will just save these lights for the flowering phase. i also put in a timer to switch the lights to 18/6.
  14. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    so today i went to target and got 4 42W cfls. i hope i got the right ones. let me know what you guys think.
  15. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    i plan on going to store in the morning and getting 4 cool whites. i will post pictures tomorrow once i have all the new lights in.
  16. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    ok. tomorrow i will go to the store and get some cool white light bulbs. should i leave the 65W plant bulb on or should i take it off?
  17. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    so today i got a thermometer in there next to the plants and it read 80F so i got a fan and have it blowing over the plants. the area where the plants are growing now read 78F. are there any improvements i can make to this to make it better?more lights?
  18. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    Here are some pictures
  19. zjinternational

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    So this is my first CFL grow. I picked up a total of 4 clones from the club today, 2 are Soul Diesel and the other 2 are Grape Ape. I have no idea how old the clones are but I put them under 4 23W soft whites and some random 65W plant light I found in the closet. I plan on keeping these lights...
  20. zjinternational

    Taking a Volcano Vaporizer on a Plane

    So over break I bought a Volcano Vaporizer. It has gotten a fair amount of use this past week and I want to fly it back to school with me. As long as I clean all the grates and stuff would it be chill to fly with it? Has anyone taken a Volcano on a plane before?