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  1. grower531

    Bout three and a half weeks into budding.I Need Some Help with this small plant(Pics)

    thanks guys. the roots are totally covering the soil, theres more then the soil itself actually so im gonna get it transplanted into a bigger pot with some more miracle grow and perlite and see what will happen. umm it has started actually growing pistols at the top so its a DEFINITE FEMALE :D...
  2. grower531

    Bout three and a half weeks into budding.I Need Some Help with this small plant(Pics)

    No one?, i would really appreciate the help if SOMEONE would give me some advice itd be GREAT
  3. grower531

    HELP ME PLEASE w/pics

    better then the twigs they were a month ago. Good Job Yet after all that hard work your only a stranger, send more posts man lol.
  4. grower531

    Bout three and a half weeks into budding.I Need Some Help with this small plant(Pics)

    I got a plant thats almost four weeks into budding and its barely showing anything. i need to know wuts wrong with it. I cut off all the dead or dying leaves and then the other ones got infected to so i stopped cuttin off of it. ummm idk. you tell me wut 2 do.:neutral:
  5. grower531

    Cloning Question!!

    Well i cut a couple clones off my plant righ b4 it stated 2 bud. So I put some root hormone on the bottom of the cuts and about an inch above then watered down a couple pellets and let them absorb water then put the clones in them. I put them in a dark place on a plastic tray. So i was just...
  6. grower531

    My First Grow/ In Dresser Cabinet? Juicy Fruit

    idk man. i used miracle grow potting soil so then it already has nurtrients. I ONLY have to water it the wholeee grow through.
  7. grower531

    My First Grow/ In Dresser Cabinet? Juicy Fruit

    me too except im in my grow by like a month and its my only one and its lookin mighty manly and im gettin reall sad that i didnt have more, u might wanna go with alot for when their smal cuz they only got one single root for te first week of sprouting and choose the healthiest ones. Just an...
  8. grower531

    HERMIE question!!!

    Well I didnt want amale so I just wanted a big ol hermie then a big ol motherfucken male lol
  9. grower531

    HERMIE question!!!

    well actually, lol. my plants been stressed throughout its whole life. Job well done :D
  10. grower531

    *Smooth Criminal* My Journal

    lol, one fluoro?, shiiitttsss weaaaak, try like 5 of them. better get that 600 or 1k watt bulb like u said sooon or else ur shit WILL REALLLLYYY be Wizeakkk
  11. grower531

    HERMIE question!!!

    Can you turn a plant into a hermie somehow?, cuz i got one plant and i want sooomee bud so im willing to give up half of it to get some bud and maybe some seeds.
  12. grower531

    My First Grow/ In Dresser Cabinet? Juicy Fruit

    makes it one hell of a guess lol, hope it aint a male :D did you get more then just two seeds?
  13. grower531

    My First Grow/ In Dresser Cabinet? Juicy Fruit

    Lookin good man :D by the way is it feminized? or bagseed?
  14. grower531

    The Beginning Of The End : 3 days into flowering!!1 1/2 weeks since fem cut(PICS!!)

    Can ANYONE tell me if im at least doing something wrong or right???
  15. grower531

    The Beginning Of The End : 3 days into flowering!!1 1/2 weeks since fem cut(PICS!!)

    Hey everyone I have a weak ass month and a week old plant that I just started flowering 3 days ago. I cut all the main fan leaves off for the other branches to get more light to grow, I dont know if that was a good idea but its just an experiment anyway, a hobby if u will. I femmed my plant just...
  16. grower531

    How risky is ordering seeds online in the USA?

    Holy shit dogg, thats fucked up 4 just ordering seeds online.
  17. grower531

    Reveg. made crazy leaf, pics to come

    Ohhhh aright i get it now.
  18. grower531

    Reveg. made crazy leaf, pics to come

    can you post a pic of the plant?, and you did say that you harvested twice already off it right?, how long between the two harvests?
  19. grower531

    32 Days Goin Strong!!, Bagseed!!(Pics)

    figured out the problem, I transplanted it 2day into a gallon pot and its wholeee root structure was everyyyywhereee. I got pics so ill put those on here once i load em up.
  20. grower531

    HighGrade Seeds Beware!

    hmm...but what are the chances of the popo findin out, then a month after i am growin ,bustin down my door and chargin me 4 that shit?