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  1. pumbooris

    Lowrider 2's...

    is it even possible to get those seeds everywhere i look they are sold out/out of stock!!! it makes me mad cuz i really want some of those.
  2. pumbooris


    can you post other pics of your box cuz im working on building one and i wanna see the whole thing if possible
  3. pumbooris


    are you trying to keep your rubbermaid stealth or are you gonna make it hydro???
  4. pumbooris

    my new stealth box with cfl's

    did you just cut out the lid of the bottom one than connect it to the bottom of the top one?
  5. pumbooris


    see thats what i was wondering cuz i heard from someone that they make you trip but than those videos i found say that....kinda sad to know that those can grow wild and kill you:cry: and no i wouldnt want anyone to die that would just be bad!
  6. pumbooris


    watch this... YouTube - Jimson Weed Dangers YouTube - Moonflower
  7. pumbooris


    i heard you can trip out from these anyone ever seen heard about them?
  8. pumbooris

    Super Tuesday

    hey that cfl box you made is pretty cool what all did you use to construct that thing? i want to build one like it because my space is limited and needs to be hidden can you help?
  9. pumbooris

    question about adding bone meal

    just mix the bone meal in with your soil thats what my neighbor does and he grows some pretty good sized produce in his garden....they get huge roots too!!!
  10. pumbooris

    One Seed Two Sprouts!?!?!?!

    yes i only put one seed in there cuz it was the only one that would germ. at the time i put it in the soil....ill post a pic later once my wife gets home and shows me how to work the camera lol
  11. pumbooris

    One Seed Two Sprouts!?!?!?!

    ok...i planted this N.L. seed and it came up yesterday and now this morning i wake up and look at it and there is another sprout coming out right next to the first one....has anyone ever seen this or know what i should do?:?:peace:
  12. pumbooris

    Whats better Blunt wraps or cut cigars!?

    :blsmoke::blsmoke:reg. swisher sweet all day long or the glass blunt thats fun:blsmoke::blsmoke:
  13. pumbooris

    Growing in Skandinavia

    yea those are the same ones i got they came in little green house things in packs of 12, 24, and 72. i hope they work
  14. pumbooris

    Growing in Skandinavia

    Hey whats up...i germed about 12 seeds until they had that tap roots and than stuck them in the same little jiffy things for about 5 days than just planted them in the dirt about a week not sure if they came up yet kinda in the same situation. let me know if they come up for...
  15. pumbooris

    totally new but have a perfect grow box setup!

    my FRIEND has that same closet...if you can remove some of the shelves on the left side it will wor perfect one side for veg. one side for flower, and use the top for seedlings, clones
  16. pumbooris


    i think the dude thqat started this thread must have smoked some of that ice cuz he changed his story enough to be a tweaker!!!! hahaha and he should toss out that garbage 22 and go buy a LEGAL gun from the store...not worth doing time for a gun that was probably bought at wal-mart
  17. pumbooris


    no i havent but i know i guy who did and he was all not to fond of things near my butt unless its tp
  18. pumbooris


    triple bag it and stick it in your butt cheeks!!!
  19. pumbooris

    Anyone have problems with Racoons

    sounds kinda gross but go to your local barber and ask them for a bag of hair at closing time and put that around your garden. animals smell the human hair and wont go near it.
  20. pumbooris

    What u pay per O?

    my "friends" get them for anywhere between $300-$500 depending on how tasty they are.