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  1. sssmdg

    Is she done yet, 13 weeks

    Everything points to very close to harvest, I started flushing, hopefully I got it right, if not I shall still smoke her.
  2. sssmdg

    Runt auto

    11 grams wet, btw, its not growing in saw dust,
  3. sssmdg

    Runt auto

    Really Wtf 2 gram mature auto Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app
  4. sssmdg

    Is she done yet, 13 weeks

    BD0621 awesome an thank you, that makes things a bit easier for sure. I am not in a hurry that's for sure, I as most newbie's harvested one already, more than likely a bit early but I had a good problem, no room in the flower tent, clearly the auto' are in a different tent. I may of been a bit...
  5. sssmdg

    Is she done yet, 13 weeks

    Thanks everyone, the caylics are starting to swell abit, no new whites for the past day or two, but will examine closer today. Another question and I will post a pic later, I have another auto which in theory is the same breed planted the same Fay same everything, it's maybe 4" tall and 4'...
  6. sssmdg

    Is she done yet, 13 weeks

    Hi all, this is my mj seeds autoberry. 13 weeks sense it broke ground Coco and rice hulls David's grow simple path, full line Cal mag Temps 78 T5 ho 4' 8 bulb Any advice on when to start flushing. Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app
  7. sssmdg

    First auto

    That's what I am saying, she is screaming smoke me. Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app
  8. sssmdg

    First auto

    Are we close to done yet? Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app
  9. sssmdg

    Another when is it do by newbie

    My first auto, broke ground 11-10-13 MJ seeds autoberry Coco Ph 5.8 4' 8 bulb t5 ho David's grow simply path, full line plus cal/mag It's done growing for sure, pistols are about 50% red now. Thanks in advance. Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app
  10. sssmdg

    First harvest

    3 month veg 10 weeks of flower. Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app
  11. sssmdg

    First harvest

    3 months of veg and about 2 months in flower she is done, pulled and drying, best news is I have 5 more each about a week apart from done, 1 auto berry almost done and 5 more vegging and allot of new babies. Maybe I will have a continuous harvest. I have no clue on the yield but it's more than...
  12. sssmdg

    First auto

    Planted 11-4, she is big and full of goodness, she isn't growing anymore in height but the buds are swelling, the hairs just started to turn a bit. There is 1 pic of an auto that topped out at 4" tall but it is budding, maybe 1 bowl total harvest on that one.
  13. sssmdg

    First auto

    More pics Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app
  14. sssmdg

    First auto

    Planted 11/04 grown in coco under t5's 20/4 light cycle. I tied her day from the beginning, she's filling out now. Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app
  15. sssmdg

    First coco t5 grow - also thoughts on how long until harvestt

    So two weeks ish until I start to flush correct, and thank you btw. Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app
  16. sssmdg

    Is he\she a hermi

    4 weeks into flower I have noticed something that does not look like the rest of the plants. I have attached several pics. I think I am seeing a yellow banana, after looking very close at this plant I also see a few seeds within the buds, not pollen bags but actual hard seeds. I hope the pics...
  17. sssmdg

    First coco t5 grow - also thoughts on how long until harvestt

    I think I now have the macro turned off on my camera, take two, how close to harvest are we now.
  18. sssmdg

    First coco t5 grow - also thoughts on how long until harvestt

    A few close ups in hopes you can better guide me as to when it's time to harvest.
  19. sssmdg

    First coco t5 grow - also thoughts on how long until harvestt

    Thank you my friend, I can't wait to start enjoying the fruits of my labor, uncertain how close that is. Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app
  20. sssmdg

    First coco t5 grow - also thoughts on how long until harvestt

    Top of the day all, thought I would post some pictures of my first t5 - coco grow, things all in all are going well. I attached a few pics of the flower tent and my girls. Can I get some thoughts on how long until harvest on my first plant. I have 5 ladies going in flower and 15 more waiting to...