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  1. RedAnarchist

    It's me again! Alarming problem. Advice much appreciated!

    Using some miracle gro plant food. They are improving a lot and growing!
  2. RedAnarchist

    It's me again! Alarming problem. Advice much appreciated!

    How long after applying food by directions, should I expect them to green up again? So far they are not wilting, but stil yellow.
  3. RedAnarchist

    It's me again! Alarming problem. Advice much appreciated!

    I applied plant food today, along with a bit of SUPERthrive. I'll let ya'll know how it goes!
  4. RedAnarchist

    It's me again! Alarming problem. Advice much appreciated!

    So, what's the fastest way to save them? I gave them SUPERTHRIVE, nut it only perked them up, didn't stop yellowing. What's the most cost effectice nitrogen supplement?
  5. RedAnarchist

    It's me again! Alarming problem. Advice much appreciated!

    I'm using the sun for 6-8 hours per day, and putting them under 80 watts of CFL along with 4 fluro tubes
  6. RedAnarchist

    It's me again! Alarming problem. Advice much appreciated!

    pH lockout caused by lack of microbes breaking down the nitrogen into something the plan can use as food would cause a deficiency as well.... This soil feeds for 90 days. they are 3 weeks old.
  7. RedAnarchist

    It's me again! Alarming problem. Advice much appreciated!

    The soil I'm using has ferts in it. Could this be a case pH lockout?
  8. RedAnarchist

    Someone Gave Me A Bag of Bud and I Have NO Clue What to Do With It ....

    Quite smokable. Don;t expect it to be fantastic though.
  9. RedAnarchist

    It's me again! Alarming problem. Advice much appreciated!

    They are a bit young to add nutrients. What should I do?
  10. RedAnarchist

    It's me again! Alarming problem. Advice much appreciated!

    Good question, I've wondered this myself. I do have purple streaking, and taco leaves which are both signs of magnesium deficiency.
  11. RedAnarchist

    It's me again! Alarming problem. Advice much appreciated!

    You think so? So perhaps some fish emulsion?
  12. RedAnarchist

    First-timer, noob mistakes, advice needed!

    I keep them outside in the direct sunlight about 4-6 hours a day, and they are under CFLS and fluros inside. So 24/7 light.
  13. RedAnarchist

    It's me again! Alarming problem. Advice much appreciated!

    Two of my plants are not doing fantastic, and one is effected mores. I'm noticing white and brown spots on the lower leaves, and yellowing. I've added epsom salt to my watering, because I thought it was mg deficiency. But I'm concerned it could be pests, such as root aphids or something on the...
  14. RedAnarchist

    First-timer, noob mistakes, advice needed!

    The yellowing is improving and new growth is apparent!
  15. RedAnarchist

    First-timer, noob mistakes, advice needed!

    And no, at the moment I have no way to test the pH. I have litmus paper, but I've given up on figuring out how to read it. Need to order an electronic reader. I'll take some photos of their improvement.
  16. RedAnarchist

    First-timer, noob mistakes, advice needed!

    Yeah, after drying them out all night I've noticed they are beginning to become darker and growing new stuff again! Lockout due to overwatering seems to have been the problemo!
  17. RedAnarchist

    First-timer, noob mistakes, advice needed!

    I thought that too, which is why I felt safe not following the directions about transplating after first true leaves appear. However, they probably put that on there for a reason! It's a soiless mix with chemical nuts in very low concentrations, so it probably all got leached out as I watered...
  18. RedAnarchist

    Collected Rain Water VERSUS Distilled Water

    Simple question for the venerated ghanjj gurus of ROLLITUP... What is better for my plants? Distilled water, or collected rain water?
  19. RedAnarchist

    First-timer, noob mistakes, advice needed!

    Dude, I disagreed with you because the lockout issue existed before I ever put them into MG Potting Soil (i stated this clearly) and I moved them to try to fix the problem. Perhaps you should read what I wrote before attacking me. And I never even disagreed with you or said you were wrong, I...