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  1. prllystoned

    bent branch. will she live?

    thanks man that definitely put my mind at ease. sorry about the lack of pictures, my camera is currently MIA.
  2. prllystoned

    bent branch. will she live?

    ok so my tardwinkle room mate was watching my plants over the weekend, and one of the stems on my main colas is bent over pretty badly. The stem isn't completely broken just bent over and is turning brown near the bend. Is there anything I can do? I'm 3 weeks into flowering and thats one of my...
  3. prllystoned

    Fruit Loops????

    then find a him sam
  4. prllystoned

    pruning during flowering?

    thanks everyone i think that settles it the leaves are coming down and I went and bought some fox farm big bloom from the hydro store. peace out and stay high
  5. prllystoned

    pruning during flowering?

    Its my second week into flowering and I was wondering if it would be bad to prune a couple of fan leaves blocking light. Im using: miracle grow (3)27w 3500k CFL's 1 bag seed indica dominant marijuana plant
  6. prllystoned

    2nd week of flowering= leaves falling off

    I'm using miracle grow as a medium and I just picked up some foxfarm big bloom today. Aren't coffee grounds high in nitrogen?
  7. prllystoned

    Are you too young to smoke out? by: Craig K

    I thought about the same thing the other night and I figured 18. Teens would get introduced to marijuana earlier than alcohol and hopefully realize which one is less harmful thus reducing the number of alcoholics. Also, at 18 you can vote which means society see's you as able to make educated...
  8. prllystoned

    What to do when you can't smoke?

    go run or longboard or wat ever to get the endorphins going and that will help with being not high.
  9. prllystoned

    2nd week of flowering= leaves falling off

    I'm in my second, almost 3rd week of flowering and some of my lower leaves are starting to turn yellow and fall off can any one tell me why this is? the rest of the plant is healthy as a mother fuck
  10. prllystoned

    Plants under 24 hour light - Flowering???

    i had the same confusion so thanks man. is it normal for the hairs to turn red after a week or so?
  11. prllystoned

    whats up from Denver

    Hey all I'm from Denver Colorado, new to the site and new to growing. Right now I'm growing some bag seed Indica dominant strain its pretty healthy and I should be getting some pics up soon.
  12. prllystoned

    Daylight Savings

    daylights savings def fucked with my head, I saw my lights turn off early and thought i blew a fuse.
  13. prllystoned

    DIY Vaporizer

    i used to make home made vaporizers out of a light bulb, a bottle cap, some tape and half a pen. Works pretty damn well IMO, I used it when I lived with my parents because the smell doesn't linger around and it gets you really high off hardly any weed...
  14. prllystoned

    Can I go 24/0 right to 12/12? or do i need an intermediate???

    I had my plants on 24/0 during veg and thought it better to switch to a 18/6 for a week as to keep the amount of stress to a minimum. I couldn't find anything on google about this topic so I'm glad someone brought it up.